Friday, March 23, 2012

April 2012

APRIL 2012
  Calvary Lutheran Church & School
April Pastor Pondering


In March we wrap up our Lenten worship. Although April 1st has been called the annual celebration for atheists because it is April Fool's Day - April 1, 2012 holds the high position this year of Palm Sunday-Sunday of the Passion for Christians. This is the day that leads us into Holy Week. On Palm Sunday I am use to meeting outside, weather permitting, reading the Palm Sunday Gospel outside and then entering the Sanctuary singing as we read the Passion Gospel. I also like to invite all worshippers to take home a Palm Branch after the service and place it behind a Christian picture in your home. Then you can bring back those dried branches in late January and early February so they can be burned for Ash Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2013.

     During Holy Week we will have a special service on April 5th, Maundy Thursday at 2:15pm as our closing School chapel for Easter Break. That evening we worship at 7pm with a focus on Luke 22-when Jesus washed his disciples' feet and instituted the Lord's Supper. This year, our new confirmands will receive their First Communion at this service. As you recall, after instituting the Lord's Supper, Jesus went to Gethsemane to pray. He emptied himself for us and so we will strip the Altar and Chancel area during this service before we leave as a reminder of the price Jesus paid for our salvation. The next day is Good Friday and you are invited to the Tre Ore Good Friday Service at Good Shepherd from noon to 3pm. The theme is the Seven Words of Christ on the Cross. I will be bringing the First Word at noon followed by Pastor Werth who will bring the Second Word. That evening we will have a Tenebrae service here at Calvary at 7:30 pm. Tenebrae means darkness and we realize how our sin separates us from our gracious God.

     This year our Easter Worship will be held at 8am and 10:45am with breakfast from 7:30-11am. As you know, we are trying to make this a special time of praise with our new choir and other special music. What a grand time to celebrate. An Easter Egg hunt will take place between the two services.

     For the rest of April I will be bringing a 3 part sermon series titled: "Share Your Gift." In Acts 1 Jesus sends us out. Let's gather so we can be sent. Remember that Sunday, April 29 is a fifth Sunday with ONE service at 10 am.

     I look forward to worshiping with all of you during this important time of our Christian faith. Come, now is the time to worship. YOU are key to letting our light shine in San Lorenzo. God bless you all.

Pastor Gary <+>< 

  April Anniversaries

4/2     Russell & Norma Smith               46 years

4/6     Steve & Anne Ellis                    21 years

4/8     John & Audrey Ohanesian          51 years

4/13   Stephen & Karla Regnier            16 years

4/14   Antonio & Aida Landaverde        28 years

4/19    Steve & Bernadette Vigneau      28 years


 April Birthdays

4/2        Katy Gerome

             Marlene Mueller

4/3        Vanessa Harris

4/4        Holly Jensen

4/5        Robert Ellis

4/6        Ethan Sosa

4/7        Al Naiman

4/9        Norma Blank

4/10      Rosalie Ellis

4/12      Jeff Jensen

            Odin Anderson

4/13      William Sandau

4/16      David Cannella


* * * * * * * * * * * * * 


Calvary School Invites you to join with us in prayer as we seek validation as a trustworthy institution of learning.


The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), represented by an Accreditation Visiting Team, will be visiting our school this Sunday, March 25th through Wednesday, March 28th. Throughout the week, WASC team members will be meeting with Administration, Teaching Faculty, Focus Group Members and Calvary Lutheran Church Leadership. The WASC Team will also observe all aspects of our educational program.  


Please join us Wednesday, March 28th, at 3:15, for a final report to the Staff and Stakeholders of Calvary Lutheran Church and School.

All are invited to attend this event held in the church!


OWL Youth Group (6,7,8 Grade)   

April 27-28 Planet Wisdom


The Experience (Sr. High Youth) 

Every Sunday 6-8pm (NO Youth Group on Easter) 

Easter Egg Hunt
April 8th @ 9:30am
(preschool- 6th Gr.)

8am Traditional Worship
10:45am Worship Service

Easter Breakfast
(Youth Fundraiser)
7:30-11am $5/person


April Calendar


February Financials 


Golf Tournament 



plastic Easter eggs and wrapped candy for our

Easter Egg hunt on Easter Sunday at 9:30am

Tre-Ore Service

You are invited to the Concordia Circuit Good Friday Tre-Ore Service to be held from noon to 3:00 pm on April 6th at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 166 West Harder Rd., Hayward. Area Lutheran Pastors will give these messages on Christ's Seven Words from the Cross. This   service is actually composed of seven short services each lasting about 25 minutes. Therefore you are invited to come when you can and leave when you must. We hope YOU can participate.



 Military Pictures  

If you or a loved one have served or are serving in the military please bring a picture of them in uniform into the church office or email to We are putting together a slideshow for a project. (All PICTURES WILL BE RETURNED)



Remember the Dates...

April 5- Maundy Thursday 7pm

April 6- Tre-Ore Service 12-3pm (Good Shepherd)

April 6- Good Friday Service 7:30pm

April 9-Annual Golf Tournament   

April 27, 28-  Planet Wisdom

May 3- National Day of Prayer

May 5- Wittenberg Tea

May 6- Confirmation Sunday 10:45am

May 13- Begin Summer Service Schedule ONE 9am Service

June 5- 8th Gr. Graduation 7pm

August 6-10- VBS "SKY"


* * * * * * * * *   



In recital



Saturday, April 14, 2012, 4pm  

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

166 West Harder Road

Hayward, CA  94544

Featuring Gabriel Faure's  

LaBonne Chanson.

Other works by Duparc, Foster, Hahn, Luna, Rorem, Winslow, more.

Followed by champagne/wine and hors d'oeruvres reception.






February 23, 2012


Present: Barbara Adams, Jeff Jensen, Darlene Goldhammer, Pastor Mohr


Pastor Mohr opened with prayer and devotion based on Rev. 3:14-21, the letter to the church of Laodicea. They were a poor rich church, and God said that because they were neither hot nor cold but luke warm He would spit them out of His mouth. He called on them to repent; He was knocking at the door and would come into them when they had repented.


Laodicea was the wealthiest of the seven churches. What the people were lacking was the truth, which can only come from the word of God. In Hebrews 12 Jesus is giving words of truth which we need to live by today. Jesus hides nothing from us but makes the truth known. Jesus was before the world began and will always be. All things were made by Him and without Him nothing was made that was made. Though these are things we cannot understand, they are still true and we must accept by the power of the Holy Spirit working faith in us.


The church of Laodicea needed to be rejuvenated because they were into history making, based on their past, and not gospel making. The church had two problems. Their commitment to Christ was not what it once had been, and they were truly poor since sharing the gospel was no longer their main mission. How does Calvary compare to Laodicea?   Is our church luke warm? Are we being challenged and are we succeeding at presenting the gospel, or are we a religious country club relying on our glorious past? As a church and as individuals, are we providing the "salty" salt flavoring our world around us needs?


In the last times we are told that people will listen only to those who say what the listeners want to hear. Jesus tells us to take up the cross and follow Him. We need to get back into the Word and allow the Holy Spirit to change us from the inside out so that we in turn can share His life-giving truth with the world around us.




A congregational meeting has been scheduled for March 18 between services. The main reason for the meeting will be to review our finances based on our budget for the first six months of our fiscal year. The other item on the agenda will be a report from the Call Committee.


Principal Fred Brauer is working on a grant application to provide funding to expand our preschool. Jeff Jensen and Lee Strom will work with Fred on providing needed information.


Jeff will check on a phone for the Youth Room. We are in the process of contacting seven people to serve on our Youth Committee. We will extend letters of interest to three more potential BO G candidates.


Joni and Friends will be appearing in several Bay Area locations during March. We will advertise her appearance in the Chronicle and the Sunday bulletin.


We closed with prayer by all present. Next BOG meeting, March 8, 2012.


Respectfully submitted,

Darlene Goldhammer, BOG Secretary 




For baby boy Simeon Emmanuel Blank who was born March 4;For the birth of Gerry & Margie Luehrs' grand daughter, Natalie Elaine Kofsky on March 9

 Peace in the World


President Obama and our country's leadership - For our soldiers in Afghanistan: Kyle Hyden, nephew of Skjong's; and for Frank Mitchell II, Thomas Caspersen & Antonio Landaverde who are overseas; for those in the Reserves- Jonathan Ellis; Talitha Benz, now stationed in Arizona

For our Staff

Fred Brauer; Margie Luehrs; Chrystle Vincent; Traci McClain; Amy

Sosa; Christina Grace; Bethany Chhom; Ellen Hackerd; Kristi Morlock; Abby Einspahr; Mike Souza; Doug Henry; Kim Heggins; Blenda Schultz; Michelle Michael; Sherrie Akre; Carol Liston; Cecilia Guerra; Cindy Suppus; Lydiana Sanchez; Holly Contier; Pastor Gary

Ministry Guidance
For our interim ministry need; Marketing Ideas; Wittenberg Manor   Outreach; Evangelism; Children's, Family and Youth Ministries; Parish Education; School Enrollment
Peace and Comfort

For the family of Miriam Brohm who passed away on Feb. 26 at the age of 96; for the Curler family for the loss of a cousin; For the family of Annette English and the passing of her father, Bill Olsen

Cancer Patients

Pat Brown; Bettie Benz' son-in-law, Stephen Comfort, complications with blood clot ; Dee Lazaga (Edith Mena's sister), ovarian cancer; Evelyn Asker; Joyce Schwartz, Leanne Mueller's mother; Melody Saldate; Wanda Grimm

Physical, Emotional or Spiritual Healing

Phil Caspersen; Barbara Arionus; Daniel Jensen; For Amy Sosa's mother, Dianne;David Cannella's upcoming tests in March; Frank Mitchell, hearing loss; Millie Salo; Mabel Stafne; Susan Hoffman; Esther Garguilo; Willine Watson; Marlene Mueller; Angela Garcia; Adolph Stafne; Marie Curtis; Van Deckert; John Ohanesian; Tyler & Dave Flynn

Expectant mothers

Grace Ramos; Colleen Martchenke- due August; Stephanie Mendia- due June; Emily Blank- due June; Candice Kofsky- due March

Personal Needs & Other Concerns

Marriage difficulties; elderly parents and those in need of employment



Calvary website:

(request a prayer quilt, send an eprayer)



Address Update:

Marty, Candice & Natalie Kofsky

4215 Crackersport Road

Allentown, PA 18104 


Amazing (7th Gr. Article)


            It truly is extraordinary to witness the ebb and flow of time, the changing of the seasons, and the leaps and bounds made by a group of young men and women. In Calvary, I have found a family that keeps on growing, learning, and inspiring each other. Each of the students has taught me so much - and here I thought I was the teacher. Sharing the reciprocity of education with such marvelous people has been and is such a blessing. Every once in a while I pinch myself to make sure that this is not a dream. When I know for certain that I am cognizant and breathing, I ponder the idea that in a few short months I will have to release "my children" back into the pool of summerdom and learn how life works without them for a while. It nearly takes my breath away.

            It's hard to believe this is my sixth year here at Calvary. In that time, we have shared fear on the ropes courses of Outdoor Ed. We have tackled the task of team work and cooperation and then we tackled it again when we discovered that the first try was less than ideal. We have discovered artists, poets, and actors/actresses in amazing parts of our beings through literature, art, drama, and even language. We have begun to plant seeds of intrigue and investigation into areas of art and literature that extend beyond the base curriculum. We have tried and erred and we have felt the excitement of success. Together we have found that the proverbial "bunny trail" in class can lead to fantastic discoveries - albeit slightly off the day's official topic. Sixth-grade has traveled to ancient Greece and back (with only a few minor scrapes and bruises after that battle with Troy!). Seventh-grade has survived an extended tour of the Klondike thanks to our good ol' pal Buck (good thing the dog can hunt for food). Eighth-grade has discovered cloaked writers and artists that have been hidden for far too long within themselves as we have chanted together, "I CAN DO THIS!!!" and played with the writing of narratives. We have laughed and, yes, we have cried. More than anything else, we have learned and taught together.

            What an amazing journey. I am still trying to decide if I am the tour guide or if I am the one that is the tourist. If I have discovered one thing so in the years here at CLS, I have learned that I am not the only teacher in my classroom. There are as many teachers, writers, poets, and dreamers as there are people, and together we make a great team. As much as I look forward to seeing each of the students move on to the next stage and grade in life, the coming of summer, and the new school year, there is a part of me that feels a twinge of sadness at the thought of "my children", my family moving on. At the start of each school year we discuss the fact that each and every person has their own unique talents and gifts - what an amazing feeling and opportunity to see those talents and gifts shine, grow, expand, and diversify as we grow and learn together. Absolutely amazing.


Kristi Morlock - 7th-grade touring tour-guide

Calvary Lutheran School  

 Mission Outreach to Children


Consider an opportunity to...

Adopt - a - Student


By contributing toward school tuition for those in need of assistance and seeking a Christian Education.


I am interested in adopting a student at Calvary Lutheran School for the 2012-2013 school year.





  • one time gift of $                              
  • monthly gift of $                              

(names of students will remain confidential)


Please respond to Mr. Brauer or the school office at 278-2598.

God Bless you.