Take It With You On Sunday we will conclude our series on spiritual disciplines. Following that, we move into Lent. Which of the disciplines could you take with you on your Lenten journey? I encourage you to think about putting one or more disciplines into practice during Lent. Will you give something up? (Which would be a way of practicing fasting, simplicity, or submission.) Will you add something new? (Which might include meditation, confession, service, or prayer.) Choose a discipline (or more than one) and take it with you this Lent. Allow this discipline to help you focus on Jesus as guide and goal of your faith. here for you,  Matt Behrens, Pastor Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified. (1 Corinthians 9:24-27) | | Worship This Sunday We will gather in the sanctuary for worship this Sunday at 9:00am. For those who are unable to join us (or if you would like a paper copy of our worship), there is a print-ready worship service provided at the link below. | | | Ash Wednesday Worship We will have Ash Wednesday worship in the sanctuary at 6:30pm on February 17. Please plan to join us if you are able. During the other Wednesdays throughout Lent, Pastor Matt will offer a devotion time on Zoom, Wednesdays at 6:30pm. | | | | We're Moving! The Truth Project study group will continue to meet, but we will meet in-person. Videos and discussion will take place in the sanctuary immediately following Sunday worship. If you have questions, feel free to contact Dave Schultz by email or phone (510-507-5634) | | | Teach Us to Pray: A Lenten Journey The words of the Lord's Prayer will guide our journey through Lent this year. The introduction, seven petitions, and conclusion outlined by Martin Luther in his Small Catechism will give shape to our worship experiences each Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. As we journey together, we also have opportunity to meditate further through daily devotions. Pastor Matt wrote a series of devotions along with Pastor Andrew Jones from First Lutheran in Concord, CA. You can read along via Issuu (a digital reading platform), download a copy and print it at home, or request a printed copy from Calvary. Use the links below for any of these options. | | Women's Bible Study Perseverance: Praying Through Life's Challenges We all have it. That one thing that's keeping each of us from a fuller life. It could be a habit to break, a goal to accomplish, or a lingering project to complete. What if we, like Nehemiah, persevered with single-minded focus and trusted God to accomplish something incredible? | | | Nehemiah may not be the first biblical example who comes to mind when we talk about perseverance, but we look to his example to discern helpful steps that we can apply on our one-thing journey. God, through the life of Nehemiah, provides insight into how we can respond to struggles—the one thing—in our life. This Bible study meets Mondays at 3:00pm on Zoom. | | Password for Zoom is slz. | | Direct Missions Nominations We've been setting aside 2% of our church income every month for Direct Missions. Now, you get to nominate individuals and agencies to receive those gifts. Use the link below to send a nomination to the Calvary Board of Governance. The board plans to make decisions for distribution this week. Gifts are distributed in early March. | | | Received this By Forward? Want to Sign Up? If you received this email from a friend and you want to be added to Calvary's email list, use the link below. Welcome, friend! | | | | |