Keep Connected - Keep Connecting We need each other more than ever. I just finished writing this week's message, and that thought keeps coming back to me. As I wrote about celebration, I couldn't help but think of all the limits to celebration we have right now. We have many barriers to connection and community in our current season. We are connected, and we are community, because we are one body with Christ as our head. Yet, part of our calling as the people of God is to live this out in the world. Sometimes we emphasize this as part of our witness to the world, but this is also our witness to one another. It's hard to feel connected to brothers and sisters without living out those connections. My encouragement to you in this season is to connect. Spend more time on the phone. Write a few extra letters. You have brothers and sisters who need to experience the community of Christian family. As you're able, visit a friend or family member. We are not gathering in any group settings at church, but I am in the office Monday-Thursday and I think it's wonderful when people drop-in to say hello. We need to live as family because we truly are family in Christ. Along these lines, we have an opportunity this weekend to live out our connectedness. Please plan to join us for drive-in communion this Sunday, February 7. We will gather at 10:45 on the Calvary parking lot. Enter from Via Magdalena and our parking crew will direct you from there. Let's continue to encourage one another as we follow Jesus together. Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! (Psalm 133:1) here for you,  Matt Behrens, Pastor | | | Online Worship Join brothers and sisters from Calvary for worship this Sunday. The pre-recorded segment will be available on Facebook and YouTube at 9:00am. We meet on Zoom at 9:30am. | | You shouldn't need this with the above link, but the password for Zoom is slz. | | | Teach Us to Pray: A Lenten Journey The words of the Lord's Prayer will guide our journey through Lent this year. The introduction, seven petitions, and conclusion outlined by Martin Luther in his Small Catechism will give shape to our worship experiences each Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. As we journey together, we also have opportunity to meditate further through daily devotions. Pastor Matt wrote a series of devotions along with Pastor Andrew Jones from First Lutheran in Concord, CA. You can read along via Issuu (a digital reading platform), download a copy and print it at home, or request a printed copy from Calvary. Use the links below for any of these options. | | | Time for a Party! Well, we can't have a party just yet, but we do want to celebrate. Calvary turns 73 this year! Our official birthday is February 22, but it's uncertain that we'll be gathering by that point so we're celebrating early. We'll have cupcakes for everyone at our drive-in communion service this Sunday. Bring a party hat, and get ready to blow out candles (not really - on the candles). It's good to celebrate God's gifts with God's people. Happy birthday Calvary! If you're happy and you know it, honk your horn! | | | Mission Update - Pastor Oliver in Taiwan Missionary Stephen Oliver sent an update on his role in Taiwan. He is one of our mission partners, and we're thankful to hear about God's work through his role raising up leaders from within the Chinese culture. Please keep Pastor Oliver and his family in prayer. You can read his newsletter and see some family pictures at the link below. | | Women's Bible Study Perseverance: Praying Through Life's Challenges We all have it. That one thing that's keeping each of us from a fuller life. It could be a habit to break, a goal to accomplish, or a lingering project to complete. What if we, like Nehemiah, persevered with single-minded focus and trusted God to accomplish something incredible? | | | Nehemiah may not be the first biblical example who comes to mind when we talk about perseverance, but we look to his example to discern helpful steps that we can apply on our one-thing journey. God, through the life of Nehemiah, provides insight into how we can respond to struggles—the one thing—in our life. We will walk with Nehemiah from Persia to Jerusalem as God gives him the strength to persevere past seemingly insurmountable obstacles into His redeeming grace. | | Password for Zoom is slz. | | | You're invited to join in watching and discussing topics covered in The Truth Project. Dave Schultz will facilitate discussions on Zoom Sundays at 10:15am. If you're on Zoom following worship you'll be able to remain on the same call, or you can jump in at 10:15 for The Truth Project (use the Zoom link above - listed with worship). You can watch a brief introduction by clicking on the title above. If you have questions, feel free to contact Dave Schultz by email or phone (510-507-5634) | | Money to Give (Direct Missions) In the Behrens' family budget we actually have something we call "Money to give." It's money that we set aside to give as opportunities show up. Calvary has a similar budget item. We call it Direct Missions, and it's time to gather some ideas concerning where to share those funds. | | | Since the last gifts we gave back in August, we've set aside 2% of our church income every month for Direct Missions. Now, you get to nominate individuals and agencies to receive those gifts. Use the link below to send a nomination to the Calvary Board of Governance. The board plans to make decisions for distribution by the end of February. | | Drive-In Communion We will celebrate communion in vehicles this Sunday, February 7 at 10:45am. Arrive at Calvary and enter the parking lot from Via Magdalena. You'll be directed to a parking space and given the FM frequency for our service. | | | You'll be able to see Pastor Matt up front, and hear him through your car stereo. At distribution, our elders will bring the bread and wine to you, and then we'll all commune together. For those who would like one, a printable service outline is available at the link below. Please plan to join us this weekend! | | Received this By Forward? Want to Sign Up? If you received this email from a friend and you want to be added to Calvary's email list, use the link below. Welcome, friend! | | | | |