Friends in Christ, In John 17 Jesus prays for his disciples, and for us, as he prepares to face his crucifixion. You might expect him to pray that we would be spared from such brutal treatment. Instead, he prays this: I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. (John 17:15) Jesus doesn't ask his Father to remove us from the griefs, pains, and troubles of this world. Instead of praying for our physical comfort, he prays for our spiritual safety. And yet, how often do you and I assume safety and pray for comfort instead? We ask for help, and healing, and easing of hardship. Those are good, and we should bring these desires to our God. However, don't let these wants supplant the need we have for protection in the spiritual battle. We're on a journey to our true home. We long for comfort on this journey, but what we need along the way is protection. Jesus knows this. He also knows we need to make it home safely if we're ever going to experience comfort. After all, you can't experience the comforts of home until the journey is complete. Here for you,  Matt Behrens, Pastor | | Worship This Sunday We gather in the sactuarry at 9:00am this Sunday. The printable worship below is provided for those who might worship at home, or those who would like a print copy as they follow the service. | | Can You Help? Jan Curler and Margie Luehrs are looking for some help with altar guild responsibilities. If you can help on a rotating basis, please contact Margie (510-852-3059) or Jan (510-506-2581). This group takes care of the flowers, candles, and altar dressings for each worship time. | | | The Marriage Course After Pastor Matt and Sherrah went through this course, they wanted to bring it to more people at Calvary and in the Bay Area. Now it's available for you and your friends. Sign up for yourself, or share this invitation with a friend. The Marriage Course is private, self-paced, and available online now. Click below for more information. | | | Women's Bible Study Has Moved Join us on Wednesdays at 3 pm, starting May 5 on Zoom to study the Sermon on the Mount. No study book necessary, just bring your Bible! Use the Zoom link below, or use the meeting ID: 879 3186 2678 and password slz. If you have questions, contact Sherrah at 512-658-8614 or by email. | | | The Truth Project The Truth Project study group meets in-person following Sunday worship. Videos and discussion will take place in the sanctuary immediately following worship. If you have questions, feel free to contact Dave Schultz by email or phone (510-507-5634) | | | What's Your Next Step? Pastor Matt wants to help you find your next step in following Jesus and connecting at Calvary. If you're interested, come to Calvary 101 in the courtyard after worship on June 6. We'll have some good snacks. You'll meet some (possibly new) friends at Calvary. You'll get some help finding the right next step for you as we follow Jesus together. Contact Pastor Matt if you have questions. Hope to see you there! | | | Received this By Forward? Want to Sign Up? If you received this email from a friend and you want to be added to Calvary's email list, use the link below. Welcome, friend! | | | | |