The Barren Cross Friends in Christ, This week I'd like to share a poem written by one of our Calvary members, Patricia Ahnstrom. I'm grateful she's been sharing some of her lines with me, and I asked if I could share this poem with you as well. It's fitting for this season as we approach the events of Holy Week, Good Friday, and eventually Easter morning. The Barren Cross – Patricia Ahnstrom Tis Jesus hanging on a tree "My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me." The agony of sin, for man I bear And no one really seems to care. I've loved and healed, I raise the dead Lived through trials, suffered the dread, Of what I know would lie ahead A crown of thorns upon My head. The people mock, they cheer in glee Let's see if God will now help Thee. "I thirst." My life is almost gone And yet My Spirit will live on. The barren cross upon a hill No more cries, the earth is still. Christ's Words still echo, a love so true, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Here for you,  Matt Behrens, Pastor |