Batter My Heart Friends in Christ, I've been reading a set of Lenten devotions with a poem for each day. The other day, I read "Batter My Heart" by John Donne. The poem begins like this: Batter my heart, three-person'd God, for you As yet but knock, breathe, shine, and seek to mend; That I may rise and stand, o'erthrow me, and bend Your force to break, blow, burn, and make me new. The poem is a beautiful, if difficult, prayer. The analogy in these opening lines is one of metalwork. The smith would knock, breathe, shine and mend the object of his attention in order that it would become something useful and even beautiful. The picture reminds me of God leading Jeremiah to the house of the potter (Jeremiah 18:1-6). The prophet observed as the craftsman shaped and reshaped lumps of clay until they conformed to his design. Donne's poem highlights God's role as the craftsman who shapes us to his will. He also forces us to admit our reluctance to be shaped and formed, thus the opening line of his confession, "Batter my heart"! Sometimes the work of our God can feel violent and harsh. We shouldn't be surprised by this. It took an act of violence to put our sin to death. The cross was a harsh reality. Likewise, it takes an act of war to continue putting to death sin in you and I. Give thanks to God that he does not recoil at the harsh work which must be done. Thank God for his willingness to bring war where we cry for peace. Be glad that your God provides what you and I need despite what we may want. here for you,  Matt Behrens, Pastor | | Worship This Sunday We will gather in the sanctuary for worship this Sunday at 9:00am. For those who are unable to join us (or if you would like a paper copy of our worship), there is a print-ready worship service provided at the link below. | | | Wednesday Lenten Devotion Lenten Devotions happen twice each Wednesday. You can join brothers and sisters for prayer and reflection on God's Word at 3:00pm in the sanctuary or at 6:00pm on Zoom. These devotional services last about 30 minutes. Use the link below to join the Zoom devotions. | | | Holy Week Services We will have worship in the sanctuary for our Holy Week and Easter Sunday services. The elders have set 2 worship times for Easter Sunday anticipating more guests than usual. We are doing this in order to keep our numbers below what is allowed for indoor gatherings during this covid season. This means we have ample room for you to invite friends and family members. Maundy Thursday - 6:00pm, April 1 Good Friday 9 - 6:00pm, April 2 Easter Sunday - 8:00am and 10:00am, April 4 | | | Change Your Clocks! Remember to move your clocks one hour forward on Saturday night. (We'd hate to miss you on Sunday morning!) | | | Easter Lilies You can help decorate the sanctuary by purchasing an Easter lily. After services on Easter day you're welcome to take your lily home as well. Each lily is $11, and the order forms are available at church. Orders are due by Sunday, March 14. You may contact Margie Luehrs with any questions. | | | Can You Help? Jan Curler and Margie Luehrs are looking for some help with altar guild responsibilities. If you can help on a rotating basis, please contact Margie (510-852-3059) or Jan (510-506-2581). This group takes care of the flowers, candles, and altar dressings for each worship time. | | | Thank You Sharon Glock sent this note: Friends at Calvary, It has truly been my pleasure and honor to serve the Lord and you all at Calvary the past four years. Thank you for the monetary retirement gift. It is greatly appreciated. Love in Christ, Sharon | | | The Truth Project The Truth Project study group meets in-person following Sunday worship. Videos and discussion will take place in the sanctuary immediately following worship. If you have questions, feel free to contact Dave Schultz by email or phone (510-507-5634) | | | Women's Bible Study This daytime group centers on connections with sisters in faith and connection to God's Word. The current study is focused on the book of Nehemiah. This group meets Mondays at 3:00pm on Zoom. Click here for the Zoom link. (You shouldn't need this with the link above, but the Zoom password is slz.) | | | The Alpha Course Alpha is a conversation about faith for people with honest questions, doubts, and curiosity. It's a great place to explore the Christian faith, or ask questions you've always carried. Our current Alpha meets Thursdays at 8:00pm on Zoom. Register here, and you'll be sent the link and other info. | | | Received this By Forward? Want to Sign Up? If you received this email from a friend and you want to be added to Calvary's email list, use the link below. Welcome, friend! | | | | |