Friday, March 26, 2021

May the Lord bless us this Holy week

Friends in Christ, 
We recently passed one year since shelter in place in the Bay Area. When I first heard one of those "one year ago today" stories it threw me off. I thought that couldn't be right. It hasn't been a year, has it? It didn't seem right because after a year I thought we'd be done with this pandemic. I guess I was wrong.
Last Easter we had to worship by alternate means, because we couldn't gather in the sanctuary. I thought for certain 2021 would look different. It does look different, but we're not back to "normal" yet. Still, we will continue to care for one another. I will have an extra mailing with resources for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Next week, I'll send a mailer for Easter worship as well. In addition, those who are able to join us are invited to gather in the sanctuary for worship at the following times.

 Maundy Thursday (April 1)        6:00pm
Good Friday (April 2)                   6:00pm
          Easter Sunday (April 4)               8:00am & 10:00am
May the Lord bless us this Holy Week as we journey together to the streets of Jerusalem, the upper room, the garden, the courts, the cross, and finally the empty tomb.
Jesus, I will ponder now on Your holy passion:
With Your Spirit me endow for such meditation.
Grant that I in love and faith may the image cherish
Of Your suffering, pain, and death that I may not perish.
(Lutheran Service Book 440)

Here for you,

Matt Behrens, Pastor


Worship This Sunday

We will gather in the sanctuary for worship this Sunday at 9:00am. For those who are unable to join us (or if you would like a paper copy of our worship), there is a print-ready worship service provided at the link below.
Home Worship - printable
Holy Week Services

We will have worship in the sanctuary for our Holy Week and Easter Sunday services. The elders have set 2 worship times for Easter Sunday anticipating more guests than usual. We are doing this in order to keep our numbers below what is allowed for indoor gatherings during this covid season. This means we have ample room for you to invite friends and family members.

Maundy Thursday - 6:00pm, April 1
Good Friday  - 6:00pm, April 2
Easter Sunday - 8:00am and 10:00am, April 4

Other News

Christ in the Passover

There are deep connections between the ancient Jewish feast of Passover and the Last Supper Jesus shared with his disciples. You can attend a seder, or Passover meal, which will introduce you to these connections in an online format. Jews for Jesus is hosting this opportunity several times and days in the coming weeks.

Follow the link to learn more and sign up.
Jews for Jesus
Dear friends in Christ,

Thank you so very much for your faithful and continued partnership with LINC Bay Area. Your prayers, encouragement, financial support and office space are God-sent. You are making a difference! I look forward to our continued work together praying that the Lord's Word will continue to go out and transform people's lives in Jesus.

Peace and protection in Him,
Pastor Aaron

Can You Help?

Jan Curler and Margie Luehrs are looking for some help with altar guild responsibilities. If you can help on a rotating basis, please contact Margie (510-852-3059) or Jan (510-506-2581). This group takes care of the flowers, candles, and altar dressings for each worship time.

Small Groups at Calvary

The Truth Project

The Truth Project study group meets in-person following Sunday worship. Videos and discussion will take place in the sanctuary immediately following worship. If you have questions, feel free to contact Dave Schultz by email or phone (510-507-5634)
Women's Bible Study

This daytime group centers on connections with sisters in faith and connection to God's Word. The current study is focused on the book of Nehemiah. This group meets Mondays at 3:00pm on Zoom.

Click here for the Zoom link. 

(You shouldn't need this with the link above, but the Zoom password is slz.)
The Alpha Course

Alpha is a conversation about faith for people with honest questions, doubts, and curiosity. It's a great place to explore the Christian faith, or ask questions you've always carried. Our current Alpha meets Thursdays at 8:00pm on Zoom. Register here, and you'll be sent the link and other info.
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Calvary Lutheran Church
17200 Via Magdalena
San Lorenzo, CA 94580-2928

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Friday, March 19, 2021

The Barren Cross

The Barren Cross
Friends in Christ,

This week I'd like to share a poem written by one of our Calvary members, Patricia Ahnstrom. I'm grateful she's been sharing some of her lines with me, and I asked if I could share this poem with you as well. It's fitting for this season as we approach the events of Holy Week, Good Friday, and eventually Easter morning.

The Barren Cross – Patricia Ahnstrom

Tis Jesus hanging on a tree
"My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me."
The agony of sin, for man I bear
And no one really seems to care.

I've loved and healed, I raise the dead
Lived through trials, suffered the dread,
Of what I know would lie ahead
A crown of thorns upon My head.

The people mock, they cheer in glee
Let's see if God will now help Thee.
"I thirst." My life is almost gone
And yet My Spirit will live on.

The barren cross upon a hill
No more cries, the earth is still.
Christ's Words still echo, a love so true,
"Father forgive them, for they know not what they do."

Here for you,

Matt Behrens, Pastor


Worship This Sunday

We will gather in the sanctuary for worship this Sunday at 9:00am. For those who are unable to join us (or if you would like a paper copy of our worship), there is a print-ready worship service provided at the link below.
Home Worship - printable
Wednesday Lenten Devotion

Lenten Devotions happen twice each Wednesday. You can join brothers and sisters for prayer and reflection on God's Word at 3:00pm in the sanctuary or at 6:00pm on Zoom. These devotional services last about 30 minutes. Use the link below to join the Zoom devotions.
Wednesday Devotions on Zoom
Holy Week Services

We will have worship in the sanctuary for our Holy Week and Easter Sunday services. The elders have set 2 worship times for Easter Sunday anticipating more guests than usual. We are doing this in order to keep our numbers below what is allowed for indoor gatherings during this covid season. This means we have ample room for you to invite friends and family members.

Maundy Thursday - 6:00pm, April 1
Good Friday  - 6:00pm, April 2
Easter Sunday - 8:00am and 10:00am, April 4

Other News

Christ in the Passover

There are deep connections between the ancient Jewish feast of Passover and the Last Supper Jesus shared with his disciples. You can attend a seder, or Passover meal, which will introduce you to these connections in an online format. Jews for Jesus is hosting this opportunity several times and days in the coming weeks.

Follow the link to learn more and sign up.
Jews for Jesus
Can You Help?

Jan Curler and Margie Luehrs are looking for some help with altar guild responsibilities. If you can help on a rotating basis, please contact Margie (510-852-3059) or Jan (510-506-2581). This group takes care of the flowers, candles, and altar dressings for each worship time.

Small Groups at Calvary

The Truth Project

The Truth Project study group meets in-person following Sunday worship. Videos and discussion will take place in the sanctuary immediately following worship. If you have questions, feel free to contact Dave Schultz by email or phone (510-507-5634)
Women's Bible Study

This daytime group centers on connections with sisters in faith and connection to God's Word. The current study is focused on the book of Nehemiah. This group meets Mondays at 3:00pm on Zoom.

Click here for the Zoom link. 

(You shouldn't need this with the link above, but the Zoom password is slz.)
The Alpha Course

Alpha is a conversation about faith for people with honest questions, doubts, and curiosity. It's a great place to explore the Christian faith, or ask questions you've always carried. Our current Alpha meets Thursdays at 8:00pm on Zoom. Register here, and you'll be sent the link and other info.
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Copyright © 2021 Calvary Lutheran Church, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.

Our mailing address is:
Calvary Lutheran Church
17200 Via Magdalena
San Lorenzo, CA 94580-2928

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