Prayer Friends in Christ, It's been a long 10 months of separation. Yet, we are still connected as family in Christ. The presence of the Holy Spirit binds us together as one family. I pray we can express that more fully in the months ahead. Please continue to pray for our Calvary family as well. Pray for our support of one another, and pray for our witness to neighbors, friends and family. | | Along those lines, I'm inviting you to "Pray for 3" with our Calvary family. Our next Alpha course begins on January 21, and as we anticipate faith conversations at Alpha we want to pray together. That's what "Pray for 3" is all about. | | | - Pray for 3 minutes each day.
- Pray for 3 members of our Alpha team (myself, Siena Ellis, and Jason Bothwell).
- Pray for 3 guests (at least) that God would bring to Alpha.
May our prayers rise together as a beautiful aroma to our God. Thanks for praying with one another as we follow Jesus together. Let my prayer be counted as incense before you, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice! (Psalm 141:2) here for you,  Matt Behrens, Pastor | | | Online Worship Join brothers and sisters from Calvary for worship this Sunday. The pre-recorded segment will be available on Facebook and YouTube at 9:00am. We meet on Zoom at 9:30am. | | You shouldn't need this with the above link, but the password for Zoom is slz. | | | Alpha is for You A new round of Alpha online starts this month. Who is Alpha for? Alpha is for you! Alpha is for you to explore what you believe. Alpha is for you to explore what you question. Alpha is for you to bring a friend. Alpha is for you to make new friends. Alpha is for you to revisit assumptions. Alpha is for you to hear perspectives. Alpha is for you to share your perspective. Alpha is an exploration of common questions about Christian faith where we dialogue with one another. All perspectives and all questions are welcome. It's a conversation for both Christians and non-Christians. Alpha will meet online on Thursdays, 8:00-9:15pm beginning January 21. Register at and then invite a friend to do the same! | | | You're invited to join in watching and discussing topics covered in The Truth Project. Dave Schultz will facilitate discussions on Zoom Sundays at 10:15am. If you're on Zoom following worship you'll be able to remain on the same call, or you can jump in at 10:15 for The Truth Project. You can watch a brief introduction by clicking on the title above. If you have questions, feel free to contact Dave Schultz by email or phone (510-507-5634) | | Received this By Forward? Want to Sign Up? If you received this email from a friend and you want to be added to Calvary's email list, use the link below. Welcome, friend! | | | | |