Friday, January 29, 2021

Thank God for the Rain

Thank God for the Rain
We've been praying for rain, and we can thank God for the showers we've seen this week. Our land needs the moisture. We rely on snowpack in the mountains to help fill reservoirs. The rain is a good gift.

The rain is also a good reminder. It reminds us of God's Word. It reminds us that his Word is a gift too. Like the rain, it's not something we control, and it's not something we take for granted. We need it at work in our lives, and we trust in its work in the lives of friends and family. Let the rain remind you of this promise.

For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven
    and do not return there but water the earth,
making it bring forth and sprout,
    giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater,
so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;
    it shall not return to me empty,
but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,
    and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:10-11)

You can take that to the bank... or maybe you take it to the reservoir? Either way, it's a great promise from which we derive confidence. We we have shared God's Word in the past, it has done what he's desired. Where we continue to share his Word, it accomplishes what he has planned. As we share his Word in the future, it will do the work for which he sends it. 

Notice, the Word doesn't do what we intend. It doesn't go where we decide. That's just like the rain which we don't control and we don't direct. We celebrate the Word which God sends, and we celebrate the fact that he sends us with his Word.

I'm glad to be sent with you. This week, let's thank God for the rain!

here for you,

Matt Behrens, Pastor
Online Worship

Join brothers and sisters from Calvary for worship this Sunday. The pre-recorded segment will be available on Facebook and YouTube at 9:00am. We meet on Zoom at 9:30am. 
Home Worship - printable
9:00am worship on YouTube
9:00am worship on Facebook
9:30 on Zoom
You shouldn't need this with the above link,
but the password for Zoom is slz.
I Have to Confess

Last Sunday you were invited to practice personal confession with a brother or sister in faith. Here's a friendly reminder that you've still got this weekend to make that happen. If you want to review what that might look like, access the file linked below. 
There's Still Room

If you've been thinking about Alpha, we've got good news. If you have a friend who's been interested, and might still want to join... this is a great time. You and your friend can join the Alpha which just started and it'll feel like you haven't missed a thing. Alpha is meeting on Thursday nights, 8:00-9:15pm on Zoom. Sign up and you'll receive an email with the Zoom info. It's that simple!
More Info and Registration
Women's Bible Study

Perseverance: Praying Through Life's Challenges

We all have it. That one thing that's keeping each of us from a fuller life. It could be a habit to break, a goal to accomplish, or a lingering project to complete.

What if we, like Nehemiah, persevered with single-minded focus and trusted God to accomplish something incredible?
Nehemiah may not be the first biblical example who comes to mind when we talk about perseverance, but we look to his example to discern helpful steps that we can apply on our one-thing journey. God, through the life of Nehemiah, provides insight into how we can respond to struggles—the one thing—in our life.

We will walk with Nehemiah from Persia to Jerusalem as God gives him the strength to persevere past seemingly insurmountable obstacles into His redeeming grace.
Zoom Link - Mondays at 3:00pm

Password for Zoom is slz.

You're invited to join in watching and discussing topics covered in The Truth Project. Dave Schultz will facilitate discussions on Zoom Sundays at 10:15am. If you're on Zoom following worship you'll be able to remain on the same call, or you can jump in at 10:15 for The Truth Project (use the Zoom link above - listed with worship). You can watch a brief introduction by clicking on the title above. If you have questions, feel free to contact Dave Schultz by email or phone (510-507-5634)
Money to Give

In the Behrens' family budget we actually have something we call "Money to give." It's money that we set aside to give as opportunities show up. Calvary has a similar budget item. We call it Direct Missions, and it's time to gather some ideas concerning where to share those funds. 
Since the last gifts we gave back in August, we've set aside 2% of our church income every month for Direct Missions. Now, you get to nominate individuals and agencies to receive those gifts. Use the link below to send a nomination to the Calvary Board of Governance. The board plans to make decisions for distribution by the end of February.
Nomination for Direct Missions
Drive-In Communion

We will celebrate communion in vehicles on Sunday, February 7 at 10:45am. Arrive at Calvary and enter the parking lot from Via Magdalena. You'll be directed to a parking space and given the FM frequency for our service.
You'll be able to see Pastor Matt up front, and hear him through your car stereo. At distribution, our elders will bring the bread and wine to you, and then we'll all commune together. Please plan to join us that day!
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Calvary Lutheran Church
17200 Via Magdalena
San Lorenzo, CA 94580-2928

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Friday, January 22, 2021


Thank You
Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer. As I've seen registrations for Alpha show up this week, I praise God for his people who pray. As I consider my time at Calvary, and stories I've been able to witness, I thank God for answers to prayer. As I overhear the concern brothers and sisters have for one another, I'm grateful that God hears your prayers.

Thank you for staying connected. You've been making and receiving phone calls. You've showered friends in need with cards and letters. I've seen your dedication to connecting with the body at our communion gatherings. I've heard about reading and re-reading worship mailings and devotions because they connect you to God's Word.

Thank you for sharing your faith. Too often sharing faith with and among the faithful is discounted, but it is crucial to the health of a church. I see you encouraging one another. I see those encouragements making their way out to the people around you as well. I've seen you asking to add friends to our mailing list. I've heard about invitations to church online, or Alpha, or Bible study. I've witnessed your eagerness at supplying God's Word through KAMP Calvary packets and Christmas in a Sack. 

Thank you for praying for me. Thank you for connecting with my family and I. Thank you for the faith you model and share. This family, and your role here, is a support to my faith as well.

here for you,

Matt Behrens, Pastor

May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. (Romans 15:5-7)
Online Worship

Join brothers and sisters from Calvary for worship this Sunday. The pre-recorded segment will be available on Facebook and YouTube at 9:00am. We meet on Zoom at 9:30am. 
Home Worship - printable
9:00am worship on YouTube
9:00am worship on Facebook
9:30 on Zoom
You shouldn't need this with the above link,
but the password for Zoom is slz.
We Were Missing Somebody

Our new Alpha course started on Thursday with a handful of guests, but somebody was missing. Were you supposed to be there? Do you have a friend who's missing out? You can still join Alpha on Thursday nights - we would love to include you! Use the link below to register.
More Info and Registration
You're invited to join in watching and discussing topics covered in The Truth Project. Dave Schultz will facilitate discussions on Zoom Sundays at 10:15am. If you're on Zoom following worship you'll be able to remain on the same call, or you can jump in at 10:15 for The Truth Project (use the Zoom link above - listed with worship). You can watch a brief introduction by clicking on the title above. If you have questions, feel free to contact Dave Schultz by email or phone (510-507-5634)
Let's Celebrate Our Friends!

February Birthdays
1    Nolan Glock
8    Sarah Silva
9    Sandra Silva
21  Jensen Tollner
26  Cindy Schultz
February Anniversaries
Frank & Maria Mitchell  2/2/1969
Dave & Marlene Mueller  2/21/1959
Keeping In Touch

Here are some changes in contact information for members and friends of Calvary. If you have additional changes or would like an up-to-date directory printed for you, please send a request to Sharon, our church secretary.

Eileen Fraiser
Lisa Ghiselli
Aletha Jensen
correspondence through Jeff & Donna Jensen
Orville Rasmussen
1052 Via Palma, San Lorenzo 94580   

Aaron & Kristi Jensen
daughters Emma & Elyse
9 Harkness Circle
Hayward, CA 94542
(206) 930-5775 (Aaron)
(206) 930-5774 (Kristi)
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Copyright © 2021 Calvary Lutheran Church, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.

Our mailing address is:
Calvary Lutheran Church
17200 Via Magdalena
San Lorenzo, CA 94580-2928

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