We bought an air mattress for my mom when she went on hospice. It was only used for three weeks or so and is nearly new. It is the mattress part (includes pump) and
not the bed frame. It is ideal for bed-ridden folks as it is designed to help resist bed-sores from forming. We thought maybe someone in the congregation or even the school who might be in need of one, a shut-in or someone else who might be in need. If there is anyone who you can think of that might be able to use it, we would gladly donate it to them. They can be quite expensive and in my mom's case, Medicare wouldn't pay for one – so maybe there is an elderly person who could use it. If you can think of anyone, just let us know, we can deliver it too if needed. Thanks,
Steven Ellis
Please contact Karla in the office for Steven's contact information if you or someone you know could use this.
How great of them to think of others who might be in need.