Dear Calvary School Parents, Greetings in the Name of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am reaching out to you at this time as we are in need of housing for our Korean students that are going to be here for our summer program, which will last for four weeks. We will need four host families for our program to be a success. Each family will host 2 Korean students from JLS for four weeks from July 22 through August 14, 2015. You will receive a stipend of $1800.00 for hosting the students in your home. If you are interested in providing housing for the students please contact Jill Cole or Eunice Son at 925-999-8649 or via E mail at or  Dear Students, We are also in need of 12 current or former CLS students to serve as partners/buddies for our Korean students while they are here. Each CLS student that attends will be able to do so free of charge for the four weeks, the only stipulation is, they will have to provide is their own lunch. Please call the office if you would like to participate in our summer program. 510-278-2598 Sincerely, Dr. Michael Hemme Chivalette, Ph.D |