Friday, February 6, 2015
6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Plan to join all CLS family and friends and celebrate our student scholars... that's YOUR child and their many achievements.Bring a friend or family who might be interested in Calvary and we'll give them the tour. Everyone can tour the campus, visit all the classrooms, say hi to the teachers, see your child's classroom, see what they have been studying, and enjoy some refreshments!Do not forget the family referral discount. If your family or friend's student enrolls and attends Calvary, both of you will receive a tuition discount for the month.
When you arrive, please sign-in at Calvary Club. When you sign-in, one family will be eligible to win one free month of tuition (which will apply in June 2015), and another student will win a free week of free dress. Still need to earn PPP hours? Donate a fresh batch of cookies or brownies to the school and for every dozen cookies you bring, you get one PPP Hour. Please contact the school or church secretary and let them know what you will be bringing at (510) 278-2598.SEE YOU TONIGHT!!!
| Calvary Lutheran School
17200 Via Magdalena
San Lorenzo, CA 94580
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