* Calvary Lutheran School & Church - "School Beautification Day" is tomorrow, Saturday, August 16th from 8:00 am - 12 noon! Please remember to bring your simple tools, paint brushes and extra rags if you have any. This is a great way to meet new and returning families as well as a great way to start off the year deducting those PPP hours.
Others Reminders ~ Do not forget to mark your calendars:
* Tues., Aug. 19th - "CFA Meeting" (Calvary Family Association). All parents and families from Calvary Lutheran School & Church are invited to attend (6:30 pm)
* Thurs., Aug. 21st - "First Day of School!" - It is a Half Day!
(8:30 - 11:30 am). Chapel is at 10:45 a.m. Parents are always welcomed to attend
* Sun., Aug. 24th - "Rally Day & Staff Installation" - Food, Fun and Musical Entertainment (9 am - 3 pm). Hot dogs will be provided at no cost! If the first letter in your last name begins with A-N, please bring a Dessert, if the first letter of your last name begins with M-Z, please bring a salad. Do not miss it!
* Tues., Sept. 9th - "Back-to-School Night" Meet the Staff and Classroom Orientation (6:30 pm - 8 pm)
2014-15 School Year Calendar - click on link to view the calendar!
* Available in the office right now, you can purchase your Bibles ($5), Planners ($5), and Hymnals ($10)
* Supply lists are also available for all grades in the front office or contact the school secretary at schoolsecretary@calvaryslz.org or
(510) 278-2598

* Please make sure you have filled out your RenWeb application on-line before August 21st! Go to www.renweb.com District Code is: CVL-CA. Use your family e-mail address and fill out your application and emergency form. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Schibler School Office at (510) 278-2598 or schoolsecretary@calvaryslz.org
Volunteers are needed to assist us on our First Day of School, Thursday, August 21st at 8:00 a.m., with meet and greet all new and returning students and parents, registration, book sales, helping with coffee and donuts. Please contact Mrs. Schibler at the front desk before the August 21st at (510) 278-2598 or via e-mail at schoolsecretary@calvaryslz.org and she will be happy to provide you with further information. This time will be applied towards your PPP hours!