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e-news from Calvary Lutheran Church |
Minutes of a regular scheduled meeting of Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church Board of Governance (BoG) held at San Lorenzo, Ca on July 14, 2014 at 6:30 pm The meeting was called to order by Barbara Adams, Chairperson. BoG members in attendance: Barbara Adams, Rick English, Toni Troya and Sarah Anderson, Secretary. Absent: Carole Adams, Treasurer Admin: Principal Fred Brauer, No Elder attended. (Pastor Kelly Smith Sr on Vacation) Congregation members: Finance Chairperson: Barbara Goldhammer Devotion: None Opening Roundtable Prayers The Chairperson declared the meeting was ready to proceed with business. Minutes from prior meeting confirmed by email. Principal's Report: See Principal's Summary Report attached regarding new registrations, etc.. Calvary is waiting for fire marshal to sign off on the extra room for the preschool use. The new application to increase preschool capacity from 39 to 46 does not require additional space. Fall will start with three international Korean students. Room, board, and transportation provided by a third party for the international students attending in the fall. We have received several applications for the vacant school secretary position; currently considering three candidates. Cougar Camp International is looking for 5th to 10th grade students who would be interested being an American buddy to our visiting international students. Treasurer's Report: Barbara Goldhammer reported loan paperwork to be signed 10am July 15 2014 with funding to follow in approximately seven business days. Will need to request from the congregation suggestions for our direct missions funding. Expect the final budget to be distributed on July 27 2014 with a congregational meeting on August 10 2014. Movement made by Sarah Anderson to appoint Antoinette (Toni) Troya backup Secretary for the Board of Governance of Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church to function full capacity. Motion seconded by Rick English vote was unanimous in favor of the movement by all attending BoG members. Properties Report: July property report attached. Please submit maintained requests in writing. There are forms next to the properties mail box in the administration building for your use. Pastor's Report:Vacation Old Business: Holly's Bench: will request a decision from Pastor at August BoG meeting. New Business: Movement made by Sarah Anderson and seconded by Rick English to accept and implement the Fundraising Policy Procedure and Request Form, Facility Usage Operating Policy Guidelines as proposed by Toni Troya. Vote was unanimous in favor of the movement by all attending BoG members. Policies to review: Safe Policy, Key Access Policy and Key Access Request Form, Petty Cash, Fundraising Policy are the subject on the meeting scheduled for August 18, at 6;30 p.m. policy meeting. August 18 policy meeting is a closed meeting. The Board of Governance established a 2nd signer for Secretary of the Board. Rick English proposed a motion for this individual to be Toni Troya, which was seconded by Sarah Anderson and passed unanimously by members of the Board. Next BoG Meeting Scheduled for Tuesday, August 12 at 6:30 p.m. Minutes prepared by S Anderson V Principal's Report July 13, 2014 Enrollment Update'13-14 Registered (end-of-year) Registered '14-'15 Pre-School 24 24 *PS: Capacity license of 39 students (new application 46) Junior K 5 3 Kindergarten 10 14 *K: Positive future growth 1st Grade 10 15 2nd Grade 4 10 *1/2: Combination classroom capacity of 26 3rd Grade 10 5 4th Grade 7 14 *3/4: Growth from 3rd to 4th 5th Grade 3 4 6th Grade 7 3 + 1 ***** "3-5 Year Growth Plan" in progress ***** 7th Grade 9 7 + 1 8th Grade 6 10 + 1 Total 95 109 (112) Principal Notes
Looking Ahead July 15 & July 29...Calvary Family Association Meeting (6:30 pm Library RM) July 21...Principal Advisory Committee Meeting (6:30 pm Conference RM) August 9...Rummage Sale (8 am-4 pm) August 16...School Clean-up Day & Backstop (9 am-12 pm) August 21...First Day of School (1/2 Day) August 24...Rally Day/Installation Sunday (9 am-3pm) July 2014 Properties Report New 5gal.electric water heater has been donated and will be installed to replace leaking 30 gal. Gas heater in the administration building. Steve Ellis volunteered to draft a master map drawing of Calvary's campus. This will be on the largest paper our printer can handle. We will copy individual maps for things like Emergency Gas, Electric, Water Shut off and Earthquake/Fire evacuation routs. Four illuminated EXIT signs were installed in the pre-school rooms to bring us into Fire Code compliance for the P.S. expansion to 36 children. The holes in the sidewalk in front of the parish hall have been filled with patch cement. The cracked and displaced concrete in the patio area at the top of the steps next to the booth constituted a tripping hazard. The damaged area was removed and high strength concrete patch material applied eliminating the hazard. Weeds growing in the cracks in the parking/playground area have been sprayed (this is an ongoing problem). The parking lot needs some serious attention and if not addressed soon it will be lost and will be more expensive to replace. Have been working with Toni on the KEY situation to get the paperwork and records to reflect what we have: There are two styles of door key the old butterfly and the new flat style. We also have a gate and various keys to lockers and cabinets. We have three cuts to the door key: Master which opens all doors. General which opens doors to areas which are deemed not to need restricted access.(pastors, principle, ect.) Door specific which will only open designated locks these are for outside groups using Calvary's facilities. (parish hall, new dimension singers, other congregations) The gate key opens all master pad locks. Have requested a list from Fred for all school persons who have keys and/or will need them. Need a similar list from the Church side. Karla has a partial list that needs to be updated and reconciled with Mr. Stroms. Mr. Strom who for many years has been Calvary's keeper of the keys; He has expressed a desire to continue doing so. I will work with lee to bring the records and control of the keys up to date. August 16 has been set as work party day to ready the school for the new year this needs to be promoted in Church and by the School for Parent Partition hours Calvary is blessed with people who have taken on many of the small maintenance tasks necessary to keep our operation going. I am going to make a list of these people and build on it to include more members of the Congregation and School families . In His Service Frank Mitchell Property Chairperson
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