| Greetings! Fall is rapidly falling upon us and as we settle into routines, there are some fun events to watch for in the coming weeks! Be sure to mark your calendar so you don't miss out!
| | | Calvary Calendar
| 14 - CPA Car Wash & Bake Sale 10am - 3pm ****Note Time Change*****
15 - Church Service will be conducted by Elders @ 9am; Adult Bible Study and Children's Sunday School following service--new classes are starting; come check us out!16 - Girls' Volleyball - SJ @ CLS - 3:30pm
20 - Outdoor Family Movie Night - the movie shown will be 'EPIC!' 22-27 - Scholastic Book Fair (Parish Hall)23 - 3rd/4th Grade Lead Chapel 8:40am 23 - Girls' Volleyball - GLS @ CLS - 4:00pm 24 - Girls' Volleyball - CLS @ POP - 3:00pm 26 - Girls' Volleyball - CLS @ RLS - 3:30pm 27 - Staff In-Service Day - 11:30 Dismissal, Calvary Club is Available 28 - Girls' Volleyball Tournament @ POP 29 - Partners in Worship - 3rd/4th Grade 30 - Assembly @ 2:15 - Otis Spunkmeyer Kick Off
School Calendar Link - Updated as of 9/13/13
| CPA Car Wash & Bake Sale  @ Dr. Hall's Orthodontics
15803 Hesperian Blvd., SLZ
Tomorrow, Saturday 9/14 10am - 3pm
Volunteers needed!
Earn PPP Hours and have fun and fellowship in the sun.
Can't stay to help? Stop by and get your car washed and buy a treat while you wait. Car Wash is $8.00.
Parent Participation Jobs
We are still in need of some volunteers for some of our yearly PPP jobs. Doing one of these ongoing positions will complete your 20-hours for the year.
- Update Large Announcement Board - Hot Lunch Coordinator - Update Black Message Boards - Recycle Large Toners at Office Depot
Please call the office for details. |
Our Featured Teacher this week is... Miss Tori Anklam Miss Anklam comes to Calvary by way of Calvary... Yes...she is a former student and a very happy alumnus to be able to work at her favorite school. By the way, I believe that she was the Chapel Buddy of one of our present eighth grade students. Miss Anklam is a graduate of Chabot College. We are very happy to have her join us in the Preschool classroom with Mrs. Vincent and Mrs. Traci. Tori loves watching movies and TV. Her favorite movie is Wedding Crashers, and her favorite TV show is 'Friends.' Her most beloved vacation spot to go is Disneyland; she is a kid a heart. She enjoys hanging out with her friends; driving around and singing in her car with them. |
| Mandarin Classes
Now Offered at CLS!
| Here's an opportunity for students K - 8th to learn another language in a fun, class setting with a teacher from United Education.
Students will learn daily conversation, pinyin, culture, grammar, stories, games, singing and dancing.
Call or stop by the school office for more info or to get a registration form.
Calling All Crafters & Artists!
| Calvary's 2nd Annual Craft Faire will be December 7th & 8th.
Sign up to sell your handmade goods on one of our tables in the Parish Hall. A 6-foot is $25, and an 8-foot table is $35.
Each vendor is asked to donate 1 item of their choice to our Raffle. Raffle tickets will be sold at church and school and the profits will go to the scholarship fund to benefit families in need. Please contact Kim Heggins with questions or table availability.
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