Thursday, September 26, 2013

Appetizer tasting

Calvary Lutheran Church

Dont forget to pull out those recipie cards and whip up some tasty treats for all to sample.

Put your taste buds to the test

And help decide which one is best



September 29th after service

Bring your favorite appetizer to share

Please bring it prepared so there is no last minute heating or prep-work needed.

We will provide the toothpicks, forks, napkins and drinks


Prizes will be given for the ones that receive the most votes.

Just another opportunity for FUN, FELLOWSHIP and FOOD!

Please drop off your dishes in the Kitchen before service with your name on it so that Maren will know whose is whose  

Friday, September 20, 2013

Movie Night Tonight - Friday, Sept 20th

Movie Night @ Calvary Tonight 
Friday, Sept. 20th @ 7:00pm 
Gates open @ 6:45pm

Invite your friends and come with your camping chairs, blankets and sleeping bags to watch "Epic" with your Calvary friends and family!   Popcorn, nachos, hot dogs and drinks will be sold. Yum!

 Tickets are $5 each, or 4 for $15! 





Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Calvary Lutheran Church Praise Choir

Praise Choir

Praise Choir to begin practices on Saturday September 21st 10:30-noon in the Church.

Sing praises to the Lord
Pam has put together a Praise Choir that will be performing in Church on Sunday September 22nd during our service.

If you have any questions regarding the choir or joining please contact Pam Smith.
Karla Regnier

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Cougar's Roar - 9-13-13

September Picture
September 13, 2013

The Cougar's Roar
In This Issue

Fall is rapidly falling upon us and as we settle into routines, there are some fun events to watch for in the coming weeks!  Be sure to mark your calendar so you don't miss out!

Calvary Calendar
14 - CPA Car Wash & Bake Sale 10am - 3pm  ****Note Time Change*****
15 - Church Service will be conducted by Elders @ 9am; Adult Bible Study and Children's Sunday School following service--new classes are starting; come check us out!

16 - Girls' Volleyball - SJ @ CLS - 3:30pm
20 - Outdoor Family Movie Night - the movie shown will be 'EPIC!'
22-27 - Scholastic Book Fair (Parish Hall)
23 - 3rd/4th Grade Lead Chapel 8:40am
23 - Girls' Volleyball - GLS @ CLS - 4:00pm
24 - Girls' Volleyball - CLS @ POP - 3:00pm
26 - Girls' Volleyball - CLS @ RLS - 3:30pm
27 - Staff In-Service Day - 11:30 Dismissal
, Calvary Club is Available
28 - Girls' Volleyball Tournament @ POP
29 - Partners in Worship - 3rd/4th Grade
30 - Assembly @ 2:15 - Otis Spunkmeyer Kick Off 
School Calendar Link - Updated as of 9/13/13

CPA Car Wash & Bake Sale Car Wash Kids
  @ Dr. Hall's Orthodontics
15803 Hesperian Blvd., SLZ

Tomorrow, Saturday 9/14
 10am - 3pm

Volunteers needed! 
Earn PPP Hours and have fun and fellowship in the sun.

Can't stay to help?  Stop by and get your car washed and buy a treat while you wait.  Car Wash is $8.00.

Parent Participation Jobs

We are still in need of some volunteers for some of our yearly PPP jobs.  Doing one of these ongoing positions will complete your
 20-hours for the year.

 - Update Large Announcement Board
 - Hot Lunch Coordinator
 - Update Black Message Boards
- Recycle Large Toners at Office Depot

Please call the office for details. 
Our Featured Teacher this week is...
Miss Tori Anklam Tori!



Miss Anklam comes to Calvary by way of Calvary...


Yes...she is a former student and a very happy alumnus to be able to work at her favorite school. By the way, I believe that she was the Chapel Buddy of one of our present eighth grade students. Miss Anklam is a graduate of Chabot College. We are very happy to have her join us in the Preschool classroom with Mrs. Vincent and Mrs. Traci.


Tori loves watching movies and TV. Her favorite movie is Wedding Crashers, and her favorite TV show is 'Friends.' Her most beloved vacation spot to go is Disneyland; she is a kid a heart. She enjoys hanging out with her friends; driving around and singing in her car with them.


Mandarin Classes
Now Offered at CLS!
Be Bilingual
Here's an opportunity for students K - 8th to learn another language in a fun, class setting with a teacher from United Education.

Students will learn daily conversation, pinyin, culture, grammar, stories, games, singing and dancing.

Call or stop by the school office for more info or to get a registration form.
Calling All Crafters & Artists!

Craft Fair Artist
Calvary's 2nd Annual Craft Faire will be
December 7th & 8th. 

Sign up to sell your handmade goods on one of our tables in the Parish Hall.  A 6-foot is $25, and an 8-foot table is $35. 

Each vendor is asked to donate 1 item of their choice to our Raffle.  Raffle tickets will be sold at church and school and the profits will go to the scholarship fund to benefit families in need.
Please contact Kim Heggins with questions or table availability.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Car wash - Sat Sept 14 - Dr Hall's

Calvary Lutheran Car Wash
Date: Saturday Sept. 14th
Time: 10am-3pm
15803 Hesperian Blvd.
Corner of Hesperian & Grant Ave. at Dr. Hall's office.
We need Volunteer's to come wash car's, the more we have the merrier. 
We are also having a bake sale so any baked goods to sell are also welcome.
Hope to see every one there!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Voter's Meeting Postponed - Pastor's Trip to SD

Calvary Lutheran Church
Month Day, Year
Voter's Meeting Postponed
Due to some excellent questions, that resulted in the need to clarify and revise some items, we will be rescheduling the Special Voter's Meeting for adoption of the budget until September 29'th.

Revised Budgets will be available for congregation members to pick up Sunday following Worship.  Also, Barb Adams, Fred Brauer and Nancy Keep will be available following service to answer questions.

As we strive for clarity, accuracy and transparency, we greatly appreciate your patience.

Pastor and Pam will be gone this from Friday to Wednesday
For the Baptism of Josphina Ryann Smith in Huron SD.  Special thanks to Elders Bill Sandau and Dave Schultz for helping to make this possible.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Back-to-School Night - Sept. 5th

School Logo
September, 5 2013

Back-to-School Night
Thursday, Sept. 5th     
6pm in the Church

Parents:  Please make every effort to attend this evening. 

This night is an important time for our teachers to present their curriculum, class procedures, field trips, class parties and all the important and wonderful things your children will learn and do this year.

This is a parent-only event, so Calvary Club will be provided without any charge.

There will be a lot of information disseminated, so please make every effort to attend.


Fundraising Information

Fundraisers for 2013/2014

·         9/10/13 = Dining for Dollars  = Rigatoni's- You can either purchase a pre-paid gift card in the church office and we will receive 20% of those sales or purchase lunch or dinner on the 10th and we will receive 20% of that as well. A great way to help the school make money; everyone has to eat. Noon-9:00pm.


·         9/14/13 =Car Wash =at Dr. Halls office (corner of Hesperian and Grant)


·         9/20/13 = Family Movie Night = $5.00 per person or 4 for $15 (snacks & drinks will be for sale)


·         10/1-10/15/13 =  Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough sale


·         10/15/13 = Dining for Dollars = Panda Express (near Southland) noon-9pm


·         11/19/13 = Dining for Dollars = Famous Dave's at Southland


·         We will also have an ongoing Peanut sale through Texas Roadhouse. Forms will be sent home soon. The bags will be sold for $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00, each bag comes with a coupon for a free appetizer.


We hope we are not overwhelming everyone with all of these but we wanted to get fundraising started early. There will be more to follow but with the holidays quickly approaching, we wanted to let you know what's coming up as far as fundraising goes.


If you have any ideas or comments on making a little money for the school please let us know.

Thank you


Calvary CPA (Cougar Parent Association)


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Grandparents' Day This Wed. - Sept. 4th

School Logo
September, 3 2013

Nat Grandparents Day
Join Us For
Grandparents' Day

Tomorrow, Wed. Sept. 4th from 8:40am to 10:00am 



Our students will celebrate and recognize their grandparents and others who have played a special role in their lives.  Chapel begins at 8:40am with refreshments to follow and open classrooms until 10am. 




Back to School Night
Back-to-School Night
Thursday, Sept. 5th  6pm - 7:30pm

Meet in the church at 6pm. This is a parent-only event, so Calvary Club will be provided without any charge. There will be a lot of information disseminated, so please make every effort to attend.

Grandparents Day 3
Class Poems

Kindergarten loves their grandparents because they...

Love us,
Have games they play with us,
Visit us,
Take us on trips,
Celebrate with us,
Eat with us,
Are awesome, nice and kind,
Give great hugs!

Our hands are full of love!

5th & 6th graders love their grandparents because they are...

7th & 8th graders love their grandparents because they are...
