| | | Dear Friend, July 2013John 17: 22I have given them the glory that you gave me, thatthey may be one as we are one: 23I in them and you in me.May they be brought to complete unity to let the world knowthat you sent me and have loved them even as you haveloved me.Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Risen Savior,As I read the news recently of Microsoft's "reorganization" asa company to more effectively promote its product, I wasstruck by their use of the phrase "One Microsoft." They areusing this phrase to indicate that ALL facets of their business should serve the "whole." Thebasic message was that every part of Microsoft is going to work together to achieve theirbusiness model.Interestingly enough, Jesus prayed that the Church may not be divided in the passage aboveand a few verses earlier in John 17:11. Jesus knew that a Church united under God is anawesome and powerful part of God's kingdom.Calvary is blessed in that, despite our varied aspects, we are not hiding behind the structuresof "corporate walls" or divisions! I have been pleased to witness that every member isinterested in 'growing' Calvary, or more appropriately, allowing God to grow Calvary.The Elders and I are going to be spearheading an effort to develop, define and declare a visionstatement for Calvary Lutheran Church and School beginning in September. As aCongregation, a people of God, we will be examining what "ONE CALVARY" looks like!This will allow us to examine everything we do in fellowship, education, social missions andWorship in light of the overall mission of Calvary! We are blessed in that God has told usWHAT we are to be about in the Great Commission. Where Jesus tells us in Matthew 28:19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and ofthe Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.The 'HOW' of this is left for us to faithfully carry out. And we KNOW this is possible becauseJesus closes verse 20 with this promise "And surely I am with you always, to the very end ofthe age."I would ask that you begin to petition God daily for how we can best serve God, the Family ofBelievers and those who are DYING apart for knowledge of Jesus Christ as One Calvary.Yours in Christ,Pastor Kelly+ Phil. 4:8 + | THIS & THAT |  Worship Service Schedule 9:00am (Communion on 1st & 3rd Sunday) Sunday School On summer break at this time Prayer Quilters Meets on Wednesdays from 9am-12pm in the Parish Hall | | PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING Peace in the World President Obama and our country's leadership - For our soldiers in Afghanistan: James Greenleaf; for those overseas: Thomas Caspersen, Justin Higgins, David Oliver; for those in the Reserves- Jonathan Ellis, Frank Mitchell II; Talitha Benz, now stationed in Arizona For our Staff Fred Brauer; Margie Luehrs; Chrystle Vincent; Traci McClain; Christina Grace; Bethany Chhom; Ellen Hackerd; Kristi Morlock; Mike Souza; Doug Henry; Kim Heggins; Blenda Schultz; Sherrie Akre; Carol Liston; Cecilia Guerra; Cindy Suppus; Holly Contier; Pastor Kelly Peace and Comfort Cancer Patients Marjorie Britts- kidney cancer; Ralph Foskett; Joanna Chan; Richard Cole; Pat Brown; Evelyn Asker Healing Jan Curler; Holly Contier; Rick De La Cruz; Darlene Geach; George Schurz; Bob Folts; George Britts; Carole Adams; Linnea Greer; Ann Olds; Rosalie Ellis; John Ohanesian; Barb Arionus, Millie Salo, Flynn Family; Stan Enders, brother of Elaine Sandau, Grant Grace, Melody Moore Expectant mothers Nicole (Souza) Stark- due August; Megan Smith - due Sept.; Melissa Piering (Carol Liston's DIL) expecting in November, Vicki Blank is due in September; Sarah Anderson- due mid January. Unemployed and/or underemployed Jerrie Moyer; Nancy Schibler | Save the Dates
Sunday 8/4 Cookie Contest
Mon. 8/5-Fri.8/9
VBS Kingdom Rock 9-12
Saturday 8/17
E Waste & Shredding 9-4
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