My years of service in Africa have brought me into contact with many wonderful people and their organizations. It became clear that I could make a deeper contribution to mission in Africa through Team Expansion, a church planting mission that is committed to holistic ministry, helping people improve their lives both spiritually and physically. Over the last few years I have learned of the great work done by their members, and have made an application to join Team Expansion as a member, serving with Terry and Amy Ruff in Buipe, Ghana. Please look at the Team Expansion website for more information about their current programs. I will attend an orientation program in Louisville in April 30 - May 18, a training program in Louisville August 6-24, and return to Africa later in 2012. The orientation and training expenses will each cost $1,000 for fees and plane fare.
I am deeply grateful for Wycliffe enabling me to serve in Africa over the years and look forward to keeping in touch with many dear friends and former colleagues as we serve the people in Africa. Wycliffe will continue to accept donations for my financial support through April 30. Contributions may be given online ( or by check (payable to Wycliffe Bible Translators, PO Box 628200, Orlando, Florida 32862-8200). Include a separate note to indicate your interest in the ministry of Mike Squires, #283780. Your financial donation to Wycliffe is tax-deductible.
It's your faithful support in prayer and financial gifts that allow me to use the gifts that God has given me to serve in Africa. I request those who financially support me to send those gifts to Team Expansion as soon as I am accepted for membership in May, details to follow. Team Expansion is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit religious corporation.
-That God is providing me with more opportunities to serve Him. After serving His church in the US I will return to West Africa by the end of 2012, this time to English-speaking Ghana.
Prayer Requests:
-That God will provide the prayer and financial support necessary for continued service in West Africa. I need $1,000 to pay for the May orientation, contributions can be sent through Wycliffe until April 30.
-That someone will step up and help me by serving as a Forwarding Agent sending my support money to Ghana.
-The health and liffe insurance and retirement benefits will now be arranged through the local church rather than arranged through the mission agency.
-For wisdom, guidance and travel mercies while in Louisville during May for orientation, and during August for training.
Mike Squires
I am deeply grateful for Wycliffe enabling me to serve in Africa over the years and look forward to keeping in touch with many dear friends and former colleagues as we serve the people in Africa. Wycliffe will continue to accept donations for my financial support through April 30. Contributions may be given online ( or by check (payable to Wycliffe Bible Translators, PO Box 628200, Orlando, Florida 32862-8200). Include a separate note to indicate your interest in the ministry of Mike Squires, #283780. Your financial donation to Wycliffe is tax-deductible.
It's your faithful support in prayer and financial gifts that allow me to use the gifts that God has given me to serve in Africa. I request those who financially support me to send those gifts to Team Expansion as soon as I am accepted for membership in May, details to follow. Team Expansion is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit religious corporation.
-That God is providing me with more opportunities to serve Him. After serving His church in the US I will return to West Africa by the end of 2012, this time to English-speaking Ghana.
Prayer Requests:
-That God will provide the prayer and financial support necessary for continued service in West Africa. I need $1,000 to pay for the May orientation, contributions can be sent through Wycliffe until April 30.
-That someone will step up and help me by serving as a Forwarding Agent sending my support money to Ghana.
-The health and liffe insurance and retirement benefits will now be arranged through the local church rather than arranged through the mission agency.
-For wisdom, guidance and travel mercies while in Louisville during May for orientation, and during August for training.
Mike Squires