| February 2012
Calvary E-Chronicle
| | Pastor's Ponderings
"This column is rated PG"They said it couldn't be done - BUT we've done it! We have survived 6 months as pastor and people-what a great accomplishment. I know I could not have made it without a lot of help from each of you. Thanks to all who fill in to pick up the pieces I do not cover. Please join me every day as we pray for the pastor God has chosen for Calvary. That process is at the CNH District right now and soon we should receive a list of possible candidates. In this list will be the six candidates we have suggested and the district will give us more information on their availability along with their spiritual gifts as well as other names and the gifts they suggest other candidates could bring to Calvary. San Lorenzo has changed since Calvary Called Pastor Jim, 10 years ago. The demographics of San Lorenzo show that the white population of San Lorenzo is 35% lower-now making up about 30% of San Lorenzo; the Hispanic population has risen 60% to almost 40% of San Lorenzo's population; and the Asian population has increased more than 50% to near 30% of our population. In addition, studies done in the Alameda County indicate that the language spoken at home in 55% of the homes in this county is NOT English. This means that our opportunity to reach our neighborhood is more difficult in English and a bi-lingual pastor could be a great blessing to us. God has lead us through Advent and Christmas and now we move into Lent and our Easter celebrations later this month. I hope you are looking forward to our mid-week Lenten services. Our theme will be "God's Gift of Forgiveness" and during those 7 weeks we will read seven penitential psalms (6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, & 143). In addition, Pastors Paul Aldrich from Zion, Piedmont and Mark Oatman from St Peter/Grace will be rotating with me in leading these services. Again, Soup Supper will take place at 5:45pm followed by worship at 7pm each Wednesday evening. The weekly Themes will be: Feb. 22-Pastor Gary will preach on Psalm 32 "Hiding from God or Hiding in God?"; Feb. 29-Pastor Paul will preach on Psalm 6 "Save Me Because of Your Unfailing Love"; March 7- Pastor Mark will preach on Psalm 38 "Come Quickly to Help Me"; March 14-Pastor Gary will preach on Psalm 102 "God's Enduring Presence for You"; March 21-Pastor Paul will preach on Psalm 51 "Against You and For Me"; March 28-Pastor Mark will preach on Psalm 143 "Teach Me Your Will, For You Are My God". During Holy Week on Maundy Thursday Pastor Gary will preach on Psalm 116 "Delivered"; on Good Friday Psalm 130 "Divine Forgetfulness". I hope to worship with you during this important time in our Christian walk. Pastor Gary ********************************************************************************************************************
February Sermon Themes What Does God Do For You Now? Feb 5 - "God Belongs in Your Home" Mark 1:29-39 Feb 12 - "God Is Willing to Meet Your Needs" Mark 1:40-45 Feb 19 - "God Is Your Hero" Mark 9:2-9 Feb 26 - "God Goes Into the Wilderness for You" Mark 1:9-13 Special Services February 22 Ash Wednesday 7pm (NO soup supper) April 5 Maundy Thursday 7pm April 6 Good Friday 7:30pm Lenten Services 7pm with 5:45pm soup supper to precede February 29 March 7, 14, 21 & 28 | | February Calendar
Men's Bible Breakfast
Thursday mornings
6-7am Parish Hall
Prayer Quilt Ministry
Weds. 9am-12pm
Parish Hall
OWL (Middle School Youth) February 10 (service project, clean up the marina) February 27 The Experience (Sr. High Youth) Sundays, 6-8pm
Adult/ Children's Sunday School 9:30am (kindergarten - 10th Gr.)
Adult Choir (led by Carol Liston) Sundays from 9-9:30am in church Beginning February 5th
Wittenberg Manor Join us on the 3rd Sunday of the Month at 2pm for worship at Wittenberg
BUY SCRIP Available Sundays after 8am service and weekdays in church officeAddress Update: Ryan & Jamie Ernst 2577 Lancaster Ct Santa Clara, CA 95051 Frank & Ann Marie Mitchell 8350 Cypress Court Dublin, CA 94568 Received as New Members on January 29, 2012: Fred, Karla, Justin, Klayton & Jordyn Brauer 2853 Rutherford Court Livermore, CA 94550 Judi Molini 5150 Seaview Ave. Castro Valley, CA 94546 Walt & Linda Knoedler 431 Oxford St. Hayward, CA 94541 Bill & Virginia Oliver 15536 Montreal St. San Leandro, CA 94579 | Upcoming Ministerial Recruitment Visit
Have you ever considered being a pastor or deaconess? If so, Rev. Kyle Castens from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis would like to meet with you at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Fremont on Weds., Feb. 8 any time between 1 & 3pm. Rev. Castens is interested in meetinig with prospective seminary students of all ages- elementary school age through adults who are already employed in another vocation. Conferences are individual, informal and family/friends are welcome. Reservations are not necessary, but strongly encouraged. 510-793-3366 BUY SCRIP
| Are YOU Ready for a Choir at Calvary? Carol has graciously offered to direct a choir and Easter is coming! So, all you singers, plan now to join the choir. We will rehearse on Sunday mornings between 9AM worship and Bible class at 9:30AM. If Pastor gets too wordy in worship, we may be a few minutes late for Bible class. Those who attend 10:45 worship, come early and sing with us. The First Choir practice will be held, Sunday, February 5th at 9AM. We look forward to singing praises to God with YOU and YOU. I have also been on Mr. Fred Brauer to get his trumpet in tune for Easter. He invites all other brass players to let him know of your talents. Let's make this a grand service of worship and praise-a joyful noise to the Lord. God deserves it and we get to enjoy the results. I'm sure we will have a few songs to sing before Easter, so pray about this musical adventure unfolding before us. PG
| | | February Anniversaries 2/1 Frank & Maria Mitchell 43 years 2/14 Ray & Hannelore Avalos 14 years 2/15 Gary & Leanne Mueller 20 years 2/21 Dave & Marlene Mueller 53 years 2/27 Lee & Joyce Strom 47 years February Birthdays 2/1 Nolan Glock 2/3 Linnea Greer 2/6 Bob Dailey Cindy Strom 2/7 Jessica Keay 2/8 Sarah Silva 2/9 Tom Caspersen Sandy Silva 2/12 Esther Garguilo 2/17 Rev. John Geach 2/20 Bethany Chhom 2/21 Calliott Scheuermann Ricardo De LaCruz 2/24 Ashleigh Heggins 2/25 Kevin Pye 2/26 Pat Ahnstrom Cindy Schultz 2/27 Alexander Corcoran |
| Calvary PrayersThanksgiving For the engagement of Becky Silva & David Aubrey; For Marlene Mueller's successful surgery; For Carol Liston and her 30 plus years in the teaching ministry and sharing her musical talents- Calvary has truly been blessed; for Conrad Skjong's successful carpal tunnel surgery Peace in the World President Obama and our country's leadership - For our soldiers in Afghanistan: Kyle Hyden, nephew of Skjong's; and for Frank Mitchell II, Thomas Caspersen and Antonio Landaverde who are overseas; for Jonathan Ellis For our Staff Fred Brauer; Margie Luehrs; Chrystle Vincent; Traci McClain; Amy Sosa; Christina Grace; Bethany Chhom; Carol Liston; Ellen Hackerd; Kristi Morlock; Abby Einspahr; Mike Souza; Doug Henry; Kim Heggins; Blenda Schultz; Michelle Michael; Sherrie Akre; Cecilia Guerra; Cindy Suppus; Lydiana Sanchez; Holly Contier; Pastor Gary Ministry Guidance For our interim ministry need; Marketing Ideas; Wittenberg Manor Outreach; Evangelism; Children's, Family and Youth Ministries; Parish Education; School Enrollment Peace and Comfort For the Lowe family, Rita passed away on 1/21; For the passing of Stuart Vincent's mom, Thelma Vincent (96 years young); Larry Caspersen's Family (Larry passed away on 1/17 at home) Cancer Patients Dee Lazaga (Edith Mena's sister), ovarian cancer; Rita Lowe; Evelyn Asker; Joyce Schwartz, Leanne Mueller's mother; Bettie Benz' son-in-law, Stephen Comfort; Pat Brown; Melody Saldate; Wanda Grimm Physical, Emotional or Spiritual Healing Mel Remmertt; Millie Salo; Frank Mitchell; Mabel Stafne; Susan Hoffman; Bill Olsen, Annette English's dad; Esther Garguilo; Willine Watson; Marlene Mueller; Angela Garcia; Adolph Stafne; Marie Curtis; Van Deckert; John Ohanesian; Tyler & Dave Flynn Expectant mothers Stephanie Mendia- due June; Emily Blank- due June 16; Candice Kofsky- due March; Vicki Blank- due March; Tiffanie Kelly- due Feb. 10; Carol Liston's daughter, Melissa Piering- due Feb. Personal Needs & Other Concerns Marriage difficulties; elderly parents and those in need of employment Travel Mercies Lee & Joyce Strom; Phil & Carmen Caspersen Please help to keep prayer requests current. Call the church office with updates. Thank you. 278-2555. |
|  Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage "This is not one of those 'lets beat up on the men for not being women' seminars. Men are men! We're not sick, we're not twisted, we're not broken... we're men. And God made us that way for a reason." Mark Gungar
Video Seminar Prince of Peace Lutheran Church February 24 & 25 38451 Fremont Blvd. Fremont, CA 94536 Friday 7-10pm Saturday 9-12:30pm | REGISTRATIONCOUPLE/$35 SINGLE/$18
| | | BOG Minutes
December 15, 2011 PRESENT Barbara Adams, Jeff Jensen, Lee Strom, Darlene Goldhammer, Pastor Mohr Minutes from December 1, 2011 approved by email. Pastor opened with a devotion based on Rev. 2:12-17, which was the letter to the church at Pergamos where Satan literally had a throne and an altar which was called "the Seat of Satan." The throne/altar was 40' high from which the surrounding area could be seen. The church was being persecuted but was holding on by faith to the words of the law and gospel. The struggle was intense, questioning whether Jesus was really man or really God. Worship of Baalim and other idols, along with sexual immorality, was being taught. Emperor Constantine promoted Christian teachings along with pagan ideas. God told the believers they had to repent or He would fight against them with His double- edged sword of the word. God's desire then and now was to have an intimate relationship with the church; this happens when we devote time to the word and prayer and when we take communion. PASTOR'S REPORT Pastor said that the question of changing our regular service times had been presented to the Elders and they had taken it under consideration with various possible modifications. Pastor also discussed with Principal Fred Brauer his interest in being part of the Call Committee representing the school. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - Treasurer Jeff Jensen stated that an audit of church finances was currently taking place using a person recommended by the Synod.
- Two members were contacted to consider becoming BOG members; both have declined at this time. We will revisit the situation early in the New Year.
- Calvary's ministry to Wittenberg was discussed and how we might expand it. Pastor indicated that there are two retired ministers in the area; he will contact them to see if either would like to volunteers to minister to the people at Wittenberg. Communication with members is limited to bulletin board announcements and items in their newspaper. Barbara Adams will contact the administrator to see if Christmas caroling may take place on December 18. Our members will be notified by email and the Sunday bulletin, so we hope to have a group available to sing in the halls.
- Barbara Adams met with Christina Grace from the Youth Committee. Christina said it would be a great help if two couples were available to meet with the group on alternating meeting times and assume responsibility for some of the activities. Fred Brauer and Barbara Adams will also meet with Brian Pye.
- We will be establishing a beautification committee for the sanctuary. The church has received a $10,000 memorial gift in memory of Wilma Ramirez, which will be used. The discussion about the need for this began in September when we were challenged to take a look at the sanctuary from the perspective of a first time visitor. This will not be a permanent committee.
- The following housing allowance amounts have been approved for the teaching staff for the next year.
Fred Brauer $79,535 Bethany Chhom 14,106 Abby Einspahr 14,000 Christina Grace 14,664 Ellen Hackerd 20,720 Margie Luehrs 27,000 Carol Liston 49,210 Kristi Morlock 22,640 NEW BUSINESS - We discussed the need for an evangelism committee and the need for each of us to look at all we do for others as evangelism. Any care we extend to a friend or neighbor is a form of creating a bond with another person, whether it is raking a lawn or providing a meal. This bond may make it possible at some time to share the gospel.
- Residents of Wittenberg I and II have no way to go from one building to the other without going outside. We recommend that a breezeway be built between the buildings to include fire escapes, allowing residents easy indoor access between buildings. The hope is this will encourage attendance by residents from both buildings for our Sunday praise services and weekly Bible studies.
- Greeters for the Wednesday night Christmas program will be from the Quilters and LWML group.
- The parsonage has been rented as of December 15 with a one-year lease.
- Men's Breakfast/Bible Study will resume January 12, 2012.
The meeting was closed with prayer by all present. Respectfully submitted, BOG Secretary, Darlene Goldhammer January meetings: Jan. 12 and Jan. 26 | | | |