| V.B.S.UPDATE Thought you would like to hear where we are with our VBS plans for this year. There are about 15 children registered at this time. I'm expecting this to grow as parents make decisions about their upcoming summer plans. We have put two banners up with information. One on the front building and one on the back fence. Thank you to John Green who helped get those up. Also, we've sent out notices to last year's participants and notices went out to the "Lea's school" families. Thank you to those of you who have already volunteered to help this year in a variety of areas, BUT we still need leaders and helpers in several areas in order for this to work. If we don't get these areas filled by July 15th then I will have to cancel VBS. AREAS WE NEED SOME LEADERSHIP IN: Parking—someone to be in charge and coordinate any volunteers to guide cars safely through the parking lot as they drop off children each day. We could also use 3-4 helpers in that area Bible Stories—one or two people (I think it's more fun with two) to present 5 Bible stories through the week. There is a guide book that gives lots of ideas on ways to present them in a kid friendly way. Media—we need someone that can set up a microphone for the opening and closing each day and also can coordinate with the leader and play parts from a couple/three DVD's for the opening and closing each day. (music, skits, spotlight drama, etc) Snacks—snacks are served once each day. We could go as simple as cookies with milk or juice each day or if you want to be more creative there are several ideas for snacks in the leadership guide book for that area. We could also use 2-3 helpers in that area. Registration—we have a registration process already in place but we need someone to coordinate with other volunteers any new sign-ins and check in those that have pre-registered. We also need 2-3 helpers in that area. Crafts—I think I have this leadership role covered but need 2-4 volunteers to help in that area. Crew leaders—we have about 4 that have volunteered so far. Depending on how many children we have, we will need many more. Usually 1 crew leader for every 4-6 children. This is probably the easiest to prep for as a crew leader guides their "crew" from station to station and then listens to the station leaders prompting to guide their crew. Thank you again to those who have volunteered. There have been a few that offered to be helpers in different areas but as you see we need some leadership in several areas to make this work. Please pray that 1) God is preparing the hearts of the children we will be touching at VBS and 2) that he puts in place those he feels will best serve our needs.VBS Coordinator--- Sue Ellis (510) 888-1407 if you have questions or sign up at calvaryslz.org | |
Calvary Lutheran Church - 278-25545 17200 Via Magdalena San Lorenzo, CA 94580 www.calvaryslz.org
CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States
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