Friday, March 31, 2017

Spring Clean Up - Work Day

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Reminder - We Need You

Tomorrow is our Clean Up - Work Day

8:00am - NOON

Some jobs to tackle are:

Install the 11 new Outside Canopy Lights

Dust and remove cobwebs in Overflow.

Trim Bushes.

Weed and Hoe Cut Back Ivy along Drive.

Remove Dead Limbs from Trees in Drive.

Change exterior light bulbs.

Change out Burnt out Light Bulbs in Sanctuary.

Remove and sort unused clutter in Overflow Room.

Remove Metal and Cut up Trash that has piled up at the side of the Parish Hall.

With the New Canopy Lights it points out the need to Paint the Sanctuary.

As far as tools to bring, general gardening tools, power drill or saw, small chain saw, basic hand tools - hammer, screwdriver type of things will be very useful. You can see  there are many jobs to choose from so we do appreciate your time and talents.


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CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States

Thursday, March 30, 2017

April 2017 Newsletter

  Click Here for the full printable version of our newsletter!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Tool Sale!

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Tool Sale
This Saturday, April 1 
9am - 1pm

Maren Giannini is having a Tool Sale this Saturday from 9am - 1pm at her home located at 17849 Parker Rd. in Castro Valley.

Some of the tools for sale are:

Hand tools

Electric tools

Drill bits

Sockets & Wrenches

and more . . .


Come by and see if there is something you are interested in.

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CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States

Monday, March 27, 2017

A message from our spokesperson

I wanted to thank each of the parents who worked so diligently to try and put forth a proposal that could have kept Calvary open!  Truly, you have done amazing work!

As I pray that you heard yesterday, the congregation appreciated your hard work!  No one in the church is pleased to be closing our school.  

You approached a Sisyphean task, that they had all attempted to roll uphill before!  They recognized your efforts and struggle as their own.

Thank you again, from the bottom of our hearts! 

Pastor Smith and the members of Calvary Lutheran

Fw: School Closing, Registration Refund Info, Office Changes

Calvary Christian School

Dear families of Calvary Christian School,


This morning, the congregation of Calvary Lutheran Church voted to approve the recommendation to close Calvary Christian School at the end of the 2016-17 school year.

 It is with deep sadness that this decision was reached!  Member after member of the Congregation got up and spoke of the impact that Calvary School had made in the lives of their family.  They also acknowledged that for the past 8-12 years they had seen this day coming.  Deficit budget after deficit budget had been passed until it is no longer possible to continue. 



If you have already registered for next year, your registration fee will be returned to you.  You have the option of either applying your paid fee to your monthly tuition or receiving a refund check.  Unless you notify us otherwise, we will apply your registration fee to upcoming payments.  If you would like to receive a check instead, please email  Include your name, your students name, and the address to which you would like the check mailed.



With all the items needing to be accomplished in preparing to close, the school office will only be open for the following needs:


Dropping off a student

Picking up a student

Dropping off lunches and items for your student

To speak with Dr. C. (Appointment needed)


Please plan your visits accordingly. 

 School Record Requests must come from a school, and will be sent directly to them.  School records are not (and never have been) released to a parent or individual.  This is the practice for all Educational facilities.

 I have been exceedingly proud of how our students have handled the past three weeks, since the first announcement of our closing!  How you handle and speak of today's final vote will go a long way in helping your student have the most positive educational experience through our final day.  I know that our teachers will continue to be diligent in making the most of each class.

 In closing, let me express what an honor and privilege it has been to have your student at Calvary!  The sadness of this day will only be eclipsed by the final day of school!  You are all in my prayers.

 In His Service,

Pastor Kelly

 Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Fw: Vivian Hunter Called To Her Eternal Rest


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Prayers Requests

We were informed Friday that

Vivian Hunter was called to her Eternal rest .

A Memorial service is being planned for Holy Week.

More information will be sent when it is available.

Please keep Vivian's family in your prayers.

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CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States

Spring Forward Tonight - Move your clocks forward one hour tonight



Spring Forward


Before you go to bed tonight, 
remember to move your clocks forward one hour!!!

Calvary Lutheran Church & School, 17200 Via Magdalena, San Lorenzo, CA 94580
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Constant Contact

Friday, March 10, 2017

Time Change


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Don't Forget to Spring Forward!

Daylight Saving Time Begins Sunday, March 12th.

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CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Message from Dr C

Important Message from
Superintendent Dr. Chivalette
March 9, 2017

Dear Calvary Family,

On Sunday March 5th it was announced in church that Carol and I will not be returning to Calvary for the 2017-2018 year.  My resignation was tendered to Pastor Smith and the Board of Governance prior to the announcement.  I want to thank Pastor Smith and the BOG for their support and the opportunity of working with them. 

During the past three years, I have been greatly blessed in my role as teacher and administrator in working with the students and families of CCS.  The children of CCS have become a huge part of both Carol's and my life.  It is our one desire that every student we have encountered has already or will reach the decision of receiving Christ as their Lord and Savior. 

I am committed to completing the school year and completing all tasks and responsibilities and will remain in my role until June 5th.  At that time, Mrs. Chivalette and I will depart California for a new position God has provided for us.

I leave you with God's promise found in Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight." 

Dr. Michael Hemme Chivalette
Calvary Christian School
17200 Via Magdalena
San Lorenzo, CA  94580
(510) 278-2509

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Joan Penrose Memorial Service


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Joan Penrose

Memorial Service

Saturday, March 25


Faith Lutheran Church

Castro Valley


Pastor Les Self

will officiate.

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CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States

Monday, March 6, 2017

Recommendation To Close Calvary School - Vote on Sunday


Calvary Lutheran Church


Greetings in the Name of our Lord,
Yesterday at the end of Worship, it was announced that the reason for our Special Meeting on March 12th is to vote on the recommendation of the Board of Governance, Pastor and Superintendent to close the school at the end of this year.
The reason for the recommendation is low enrollment.  We have been operating in the red for many years.  With the current registration numbers we would not be able to cover our costs.
School parents are actively engaged in trying to secure enough registrations to put us in the black.
I will be chairing a meeting Tuesday evening at 7pm for parents and any other interested parties to bring their questions and suggestions regarding the recommended closing. 
The chair of the CFA (parents association) wanted to be sure that the Congregation knew they were invited.  They specifically wanted to members to hear the many positive stories of Calvary's importance to the life of their family.
Yours in Christ,

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CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States

Friday, March 3, 2017

Newsletter (Friday, March 3, 2017)


A child who is taught...
Weekly Newsletter
Friday, March 3, 2017
Reading Glasses

PLEASE READ:  You are receiving this e-mail because you have expressed an interest in Calvary Lutheran School or your child is enrolled at Calvary.

Please read the weekly newsletter, or any e-mails from the as this is our way of communication to you of any changes, emergencies, or events that are happening in at or around the school.


Welcome Mrs. Thornell & Miss Salazar!

Welcome Aboard 

Please welcome Mrs. Thornell and Miss Salazar to Calvary Christian School.
Both Mrs. Thornell and Miss Salazar will be working with Ms. Cheli in Calvary Club, 
as well as substituting and helping in the office.



Thank you to Ms. Rachel and the CFA team who counted all those penny, dimes, nickles, quarters, dollars, checks and more.

A total of $851.14 was brought in by the parents and students!!!


** First Place:  2nd Graders with 7,624 points **

Second Place:  3rd & 4th Graders with 5,963 points

Third Place:  Preschool with 5,536 points

Fourth Place:  Kindergarten with 5,180 points

Fifth Place:  7th & 8th Grade with 3,604 points

Sixth Place:  1st grade with 3,452 points

Seventh Place:  5th & 6th Grade with 3,034 points  

Again, thank you to all who participated in this years penny war!


Jamba Juice Logo CCS - JAMBA JUICE DAY Jamba Juice-1  
Jamba Juice is coming to Calvary!
Everyone is welcome to join the CCS Jamba Juice Day.
You must pre-order no later than Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Sign-up sheets are in classrooms
Please give the teacher your $4.00
Jamba Juice will be delivered here at school
Friday, March 24, 2017
11:30 a.m. (half-day)
Flavors:  Strawberry Wild or Mango   
Cost:   $4.00

Jamba Juice Scrip cards will be available for purchase starting Sunday, March 19, 2017



Re-enrollment forms and re-enrollment fees schedule is listed below:
** March 1, 2017, re-enrollment fee is $300 **

April 1, 2017, re-enrollment fee increases to $325
Tuition increase is for tuition only and it is annually, not per month.

Enrollment Pencil
                                ENROLLMENT INFORMATION ~ 2017-18
If you know a family who is interested in attending Calvary Christian School (CCS), please have them contact the school secretary to receive a CCS information packet. Parents may call and set-up an appointment to take a tour, and upper grade students may also be able to shadow one of our students.  
If they enroll and attend Calvary for at least one semester, they will receive a "family referral discount!" In addition, you will receive a "family referral discount" as well.

Please contact the school secretary, Nancy Schibler at, or by phone at (510) 278-2598, if you have any questions.
Click below on the blue to download the form(s) you need:  

(2017-18) Application for Enrollment - Application for Enrollment (new students) - 2017-18

(2017-18) Preschool Parent Questionnaire and State Forms - PS Parent Questionnaire and State Forms (2017-18) 

Yearbook on sale now
       It's time to order your YEARBOOK!          
Order your Calvary Christian School Yearbook ONLINE! 

All orders must be made directly on-line.  Please see below. 
Orders will not be accepted in the office.  
Just follow the steps below: 

Step 2:  Enter your pay code  84354  and click next

Step 3:  Buy a yearbook for 
or a yearbook with personalization for $18.00

Deadline to order yearbooks on-line is:  Wednesday, April 12, 2017
_     _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _      _     

Want to place an add?          Place an Ad:  $10.00 - 1/4 page ad
                                              Place an Ad:  $20.00 - half page ad
                                              Place an Ad:  $30.00 - full page ad

Eight graders graduating from Calvary - Families are welcome to place an ad congratulating their 8th grade student.  You can ad a saying, a verse, and even pictures.

Order Ads online through:  April 7, 2017

If you have any questions about ordering your yearbook contact your yearbook advisor Rachel Scott at 

JOSTENS' - Memory Book
Washing Hands

 *MAKE HAND-WASHING A HABIT ~ Kids who wash their hands at least four times a day have a 24 percent fewer sick days from colds and flue, and 51 percent fewer sick days due to stomach illnesses (Amer Public Hlth Assoc).   

Washing your hands with soap and water is far better and healthier than washing your them with any hand sanitizer. Use hand sanitizer when you are not able to use soap and water.  

Teach kids to scrub their whole hands - up to the wrists and under the fingernails - and to do it long enough to sing the ABCs or "Happy Birthday" all the way through.  A timer works well, too.

   ~ P L E A S E     R E A D  ~

                        CCS - HEALTH & MEDICAL INFORMATION Sick child and mom
~ If you feel your child is sick or might be sick, we ask you to please keep them at home.  If your child's temperature is 99.6 or higher, it is considered a low-grade temperature.  Please keep your child at home as whatever your child has is now considered contagious.  
A child must be FEVER FREE (NO fever), no diarrhea, and no vomiting, WITHOUT any medication (i.e. Acetaminophen/Tylenol, Ibuprofen/Motrin) in their system for at least 24 hours before they can return to school.  
Important steps to help stop the spread of germs:
  • Stay home while sick and limit contact with others
  • Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing with your sleeve or disposable tissue
  • Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based sanitizer
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
If you have any questions regarding your child's symptoms, please contact your physician's office and/or doctor.

Thank you!

A Friendly Reminder


Please remember to complete your PPP hours before the deadline, April 1, 2017, or the charge will be placed on your Smart Tuition, April 15, 2017.

There are many ways to complete those PPP hours.  Below you will find just a few examples:
  • Attend a CFA Meeting.  1 hour meeting, deduct 1 PPP hour.  There is a CFA Meeting this Tuesday, January 17, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall.
  • We need lots of helpers for the "Western Stars" Talent Show, dinner and raffle.  Planning, preparing, shopping, set-up, and so much more.  We will also need helpers and servers the day of the show Saturday, May 6, 2017.
  • Rachel Scott and the CFA Hot Lunch program can use your help on Fridays. Great way to help with hot lunch, see your child(ren) with their classmates, as your child sees their mom, dad, aunt, uncle, or even a grandparent helping and serving in the kitchen, while you are burning those PP hours away - how cool!
If you have any questions, you may contact the school secretary, Mrs. Nancy or Rachel Scott, CFA/Hot Lunch Coordinator, at (510) 278-2598.

(updated 11/04/16)
Clock (3) *AFTER SCHOOL PICK-UP ~ Plan to pick up your child(ren) by 3:00 p.m. every day.Clock (11 30)
Half- days are 11:30 a.m.  If you are unable to pick up your child by 3:10 p.m. (or 11:40 a.m. on half-days), your child(ren) will automatically be sent to Calvary Club and you will be held responsible for any charges.
Hot Lunch*HOT LUNCH ~ Hot Lunch is on Friday, full-days only.  Hot lunch MUST be ordered no later than Tuesday, 12:00 noon, before the Friday Hot Lunch is served.  If you child brings money the day of hot lunch, your child may not be guaranteed a "Friday Hot Lunch." Students who paid and signed up ahead of time will be served first.  Click on the blue Hot Lunch Menu to download a menu Hot Lunch - Guidelines & Order Form (Jan. - May 2017)
Danger No Peanuts Severe Allergy *CLS IS A PEANUT/TREE NUT FREE SCHOOL CAMPUS ~  We have several students who are extremely sensitive to any and all peanut/tree nut products and this is very dangerous to their health and well-being. Some students could even have such a severe reaction to nuts that it becomes life-threatening. Please do not send your child to school with any snacks or lunches that have peanuts or are from a nut type tree. These types of snacks and lunches might be reserved for something special, like a special treat at home.  
*BE ON TIME/PUNCTUALITY ~ It is important for all of our children to learn that getting to school on time, turning in assignments thoroughly completed and within the allotted days, and always being prepared are not only vital for school but important elements of success as an adult.
REST & NUTRITION ~ Make sure your child gets adequate rest every night and a nourishing breakfast each morning.  Your child needs a good fruit break and lunch each day.  Please do not send soft drinks or sugary treats.
Lost and Found
*LOST & FOUND ~ Please check the Lost & Found bin and recover your child's clothes, or other valuables.  Please write the name of  your child/student on clothes and valuables in case they get misplaced.  If the name is on the item, we can often return it to its owner.  **Clothing items not recover at the end of each quarter are being donated.
Calvary Calendar
MARCH 2017
13-17 - Achievement Tests
24 - Spring Pictures
24 - End of 3rd Quarter - Half-Day (Dismissal at 11:30 a.m.).  Calvary Club is open
24 - Jamba Juice at Calvary.  Everyone is welcome.  You must sign up beforehand in your classroom.**

APRIL 2017
7 - District In-Service - No School (Calvary Club is Open)
14 - Good Friday (No School, Office and Calvary Club Closed)
16 - Easter (Happy Resurrection Sunday)
17-21 - Easter Break (No School, Calvary Club Open)
28 - Panoramic School Picture
MAY 2017
6 - "Calvary's Western Stars" - Talent Show, Dinner and Raffle  **
14 - Mother's Day
19 - Teacher's In-Service. Half-day (Dismissal at 11:30 a.m.), Calvary Club is open
19 - 8th Grade Banquet
26 - 8th Grade Graduation
29 - Memorial Day - (No school, Office Closed, No Calvary Club)
31 - Preschool Celebration (9:00 a.m.)
31 - Kindergarten Graduation (11:00 a.m.)
_  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _

**SAVE THE DATE - 2017: **
June 1 - Last day of school - Picnic
June 18 - Father's Ddy
July 4th - Indepenence Day
Aug. 23 - First day back-to-school (2017-18)
_  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _
* Calvary Club (K-8th Grade; before and after school care) is available ($5.25/hour; after 6:00 pm $4.00/minute) for the Summer and 2016-17 school year.
** Means Change/Addition in Schedule

Click below to view next year's school calendar:  

                                              2016-17 School Calendar
(Calendar Revised:  02/27/17)

Calvary sells many of the same gift cards you would purchase at retail outlets. For example, Safeway, Lucky's, Starbucks, Chevron, Arco, Walmart, Kohl's, Applebees, Chipotle, Wendy's, Home Depot, and so much more.  Check out the "in house" listing as well as go to and view everything thru their retailer's list.  

How it works: We have several cards in stock today. If not   , we place our orders on Monday mornings (9 a.m.) so that you will receive your cards by the weekend, usually Friday afternoon.  You may also shop and place your order online, reload cards, and get e-cards. To order online you must register and sign up for Prestopay at  Enrollment code:  9AF2LD9C9L86

Just come into the office during normal business hours and see the church or school secretary, and on Sundays after service at the information booth. Cash and checks are accepted.

Questions:  Contact Margie Luehrs via e-mail or by phone at (510) 278-2555. 

Order gifts on-line to AmazonSmile and help Calvary increase their donation potential.  Just sign into or  and click on Marketing Tools to access customized online tools to let your supporters know that their AmazonSmile shopping can support Calvary.

Calvary (EIN#: 94-1415305) from the AmazonSmile Foundation.

"The Truth About Salvation"

Do you ever wonder if faith in Jesus is really the only way to be saved? Satan is a crafty liar who will twist God's Word to cause confusion. In order to steer people away from following Christ, he tries to create the impression that eventually everyone will make it to heaven. But that is not what Scripture teaches.

The truth is, we can choose to reject the salvation that Jesus Christ freely offers. John's gospel tells us, "God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God" (John 3:17-18).

The Word of God clearly states that whoever believes in Jesus will be saved (John 3:16). The Bible also stresses that we make this choice during our earthly life-there will be no further opportunities once we die.

So if you would like to be sure of your salvation, you can do so by inviting Jesus to be your personal Savior. God, who wants you to spend eternity with Him, offers compelling reasons to make this all-important decision: "He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life" (John 3:36).

There are no more chances to place faith in the Savior after death. The free gift of salvation is available only in this life-and only through Jesus (John 14:6). Receive Him now, and you will never have to wonder what awaits you in eternity.

"The Need for Salvation"
Ephesians 2:1-3
Followers of Christ know the importance of being saved, but the world sees no need for rescue. Let's think about some key truths regarding man's need for salvation.

Those who don't have a personal relationship with God through His Son Jesus are:  Spiritually dead.
Many people don't realize that there are three kinds of death-physical, eternal, and spiritual. Eternal death comes at the end of the age, when all those who have refused Jesus as Savior are cast away from God permanently (Matthew 25:41). Spiritual death occurred in the Garden of Eden. Disobedience severed Adam and Eve's intimate connection to God and caused all of their descendants to be spiritually detached from Him (Romans 5:12). We're born as "dead" people in need of new life.

Living a life of sin. Our nature is to rebel against God, and that's called sin. Over and over, we choose what pleases us, not Him. We're enslaved to sin (John 8:34), and any effort to free ourselves from its power is in vain. We need someone to rescue us.

Under divine wrath. Because of our disobedience, we are under God's judgment, awaiting punishment. All efforts to earn His approval and escape our sentence are insufficient. Sinful man has nothing acceptable to offer holy God. Our only hope of escape is for someone else to take our penalty.

The good news is that the Lord has provided a way for all to pass from spiritual death to life, from the bondage of sin into freedom, and from condemnation to intimacy with Him. Jesus Christ alone is the way (John 14:6), and He meets our every need. 

Bible and Glasses
Please continue to keep Calvary Christian School - the faculty, staff, students,
volunteers, and parents in your prayers throughout the school year and for 2017-18. 
(Borrowed from Dr. Charles Stanley, In Touch Ministries, Inc., 2016)
Calvary Christian School
17200 Via Magdalena, San Lorenzo, CA 94580
School:  (510) 278-2598*
Calvary Club:  (510) 278-7688 

Shepherding Hearts ~ Sharpening Minds ~ Shaping Lives

Calvary Lutheran Church & School, 17200 Via Magdalena, San Lorenzo, CA 94580
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Constant Contact