Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Ash Wednesday Service

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Ash Wednesday Worship Service

Ash Wednesday worship service with Holy Communion will take place this Wednesday at 7:00pm.

Please join us!

There will not be a Soup Supper this Week but, please look at the soup supper sign up sheets

for a Wednesday that you would be willing to provide a Soup or Dessert

or help with set up and clean up.

Thank you.


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CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL, 17200 VIA MAGDALENA, SAN LORENZO, California 94580-2928, United States

Thursday, February 2, 2017

OPEN HOUSE - Friday - Feb. 3 and 16, 2017, 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.)

Open House

Friday, February 3, 2017
Thursday, February 16, 2017

6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

This year Calvary Christian School (CCS) Open House will be geared towards new families who are interested in CCS.  All new families who attend CCS Open House will receive a free gift card. Plan to join all CCS family and friends and celebrate our student scholars... that's YOUR child and their many achievements.

Bring a friend who might be interested in Calvary (PS - 8th grade) and we will give them the tour. Show your friends and family our campus, visit the classrooms, say hi to the teachers, and say hi to Dr. C.  

Do not forget the family referral discount. If your family or friend's student enrolls and attends Calvary, both of you will receive a tuition discount for the month.  See the school secretary for details. 

Current CCS Parents - Those still needing to work off those PPP Hours:  Donate a fresh 1-dozen of cookies or brownies to the school and we will deduct one (1) PPP hour.  Donate 2- dozen and 2 PPP hours will be deducted.  Donate three (3) dozen cookies/brownies and you will earn 4 PPP hours! 

Please contact the school secretary if you have any questions, or if you will be bringing some cookies or brownies to the office at (510) 278-2598. 

Thank You!

Calvary Christian School
17200 Via Magdalena
San Lorenzo, CA  94580
(510) 278-2598 - School
(510) 278-7688 - Calvary Club
Calvary Lutheran Church & School, 17200 Via Magdalena, San Lorenzo, CA 94580
Sent by schoolsecretary@calvaryslz.org in collaboration with
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