Increase Calvary Lutheran Ministries's earnings for a chance to win a $2,500 bonus contribution!
Win $2500 for Calvary Lutheran Ministries!
The group with the largest percent increase in qualified Safeway, Carrs/Safeway, Vons & Pavilions sales* during the period of May 1, 2014 through May 31, 2014, as compared to qualified Safeway sales in April 2014 will win a $2,500 bonus contribution.
Runners-up Can Win $100!
Be one of the top nine runner-up groups with the largest percent increase in Safeway sales during the period of May 1, 2014 through May 31, 2014, and Calvary Lutheran Ministries will win a $100 bonus contribution.
Win $100 Safeway Gift Card
Not only that, from the top 10 winning group's as described above, ten supporters - one from each group - with a registered Safeway family of stores Club Card will be randomly selected to win a $100 Safeway, Carrs/Safeway, Vons or Pavilions gift card!
* Qualified Safeway sales are purchases made at any of the participating Safeway family of stores - Safeway, Carrs/Safeway, Vons or Pavilions - that 1) are made during the promotion period, 2) are made using a form of payment other than a credit card, and 3) are non-excluded items. See all terms.
To win, you'll need to spread the word. Include this copy in your emails and newsletters and post to Calvary Lutheran Ministries's website and social media pages:
Help Calvary Lutheran Ministries win, and there's a chance YOU will win too!
- The organization with the largest percent increase in Safeway, Carrs/Safeway, Vons, or Pavilions sales from May 1, 2014 through May 31, 2014 will win a $2,500 bonus contribution.
- The top 9 runner-up organizations with the largest increase in Safeway, Carrs/Safeway, Vons or Pavilions sales during the period of May 1, 2014 through May 31, 2014, will win a $100 bonus contribution.
- From the top 10 winning schools, 10 supporters (that's YOU) will be randomly selected to win a $100 Safeway, Carrs/Safeway, Vons or Pavilions gift card.
Details are available online at escrip.com/safewaystores/contest2014.jsp.
Now more than ever, it's to your advantage to add new supporters for Calvary Lutheran Ministries. Use the Power Registration to sign up new supporters at Spring events, new student enrollment, sporting events and meetings.
Email a short sign-up video (view it here) to everyone who will support your group. Paste this link into your email:
Ask them to please take just 3 minutes to sign up today.