Monday, June 24, 2013

Funeral Service for Melody Saldate

Funeral Service
Farewell DoveI hope this helps for those who would like to attend Melody's memorial service . You will be welcomed in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus and the family of Melody J. Mckersie/Saldate.
Calvary Alameda
1516 Grand Street
Alameda, CA 94501
Saturday, June 29, 1:00 PM
Thank you and God's blessings to all.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

June E-Chronicle 2013

June E-Chronicle 2013
  serene picture

Quick Links
May Financials
(we were unable to link up the report at this time. Please contact the office and we will provide you with this information)

June Birthdays


6/2 Linda Dutton 

6/3 John Manrique 

6/4 Tammy Contier

6/4 Jan Kreger

6/5 William Oliver 

6/7 Sarah Anderson
6/9 Jason Luehrs
6/10 Kurt Schueurmann
6/15 Gary Mueller
6/19 Brian Pye
6/17 Hank Blank
6/17 Stuart Vincent
6/21 Katie Ellis
6/21 Nya Mitchell
6/22 Beverly Green
6/24 Jan Curler
6/27 Jennifer Kerirnkamp
6/28 Dian Smith  





June Anniversaries

6/2/79 Howard & Darlene Goldhammer

6/4/66 Hank & Norma Blank

6/19/82 David & Diane Flynn 
6/23/79 Dave & Cindy Schultz 
6/28/58 William & Virginia Oliver 


Faithful, Effective, Efficient?


June 2013


Dear Fellow Redeemed,


Greetings in this Season of Pentecost!  Pentecost is the longest portion of the Church year and its color is green to symbolize the continuing growth of the Church. 


The Church grows in the same way as your garden!  You need good seed, which is the Word of God!  Perhaps you remember getting seeds to sprout by keeping them in a wet paper towel?  The Word of God always has life, but to exhibit its true purpose, it needs soil (only one letter off from soul). You need to water the soil (Baptism) and feed it (Lord's Supper).


As all earthly illustrations quickly fail when attempting to explain God, this one does as well!  Unlike our gardening, the soil does NOT provide the essentials that the seed needs, God's Word both roots in our soul and nourishes the soul in which is grows.  Water (Baptism) is not needed continuously as in our gardens, but instead it opens a well that provides springs of everlasting life.  The nourishment of the Lord's Supper, as well as Baptism, comes from the same seed that was planted, the word of God!  The 'produce' that comes from what springs up in us both feeds us and is to be used to sow in other lives!


Some soils are easier to grow in than others.  Some 'fields' have been in the 'family' for generations and are well prepared for the seed.  Others have never been tilled, or have become overgrown by weeds (sin).  Still other soils have been 'poisoned' becoming to alkaline or acidic due to past events.  Some people even put down 'barriers' to keep anything from growing in an area!  Not wanting to risk even a single seed getting in.


In our earthly gardens, we don't waste seed by planting in bad soil! 


God's 'gardening' strategy is entirely WRONG by the world's standards!  He calls us to spread the Seed without concern for the condition of the soil/soul.  He knows that some will fall on hardened ground and some on shallow soil!  He says spread it there anyway!  For in God's garden, the power is not in soil, but in the Seed!  He calls us to focus on faithfully spreading the Word!  God doesn't measure on how effective our spreading was, or how efficiently we spread the Word, He calls us to be faithful!


God even warns us to be careful in weeding His garden too zealously!  Saying let the Tares grow along with the Wheat and that they will be sorted out in the final harvest.


Here at Calvary we are working more effectively and efficiently in using the offerings and gifts that God provides, but we must always remember to be faithful to the calling He has given us to spread the Word in the hearts of our people, our students, their families and our community!  It is our prayer that God may use YOU as a worker for the harvest!  For all around us the fields are ripe unto harvest! 


How do we grow?  By letting God's Love shine on us in Worship, by reseeding (being in the Word), by re-hydrating (Daily remembering our Baptism), by reenergizing via the Lords Supper and by sharing with others God great mercy and grace!


See you in Church!


Pastor Kelly

Phil. 4:8



Worship Service Schedule

9:00am  (Communion on 1st & 3rd Sunday) 


Sunday School
10:15am in the Calvary Club Room.  Hope to see your kids there!


Prayer Quilters

Meets on Wednesdays from 9am-12pm in the Parish Hall







Peace in the World

President Obama and our country's leadership - For our soldiers in Afghanistan: James Greenleaf; for those overseas: Thomas Caspersen, Justin Higgins, David Oliver; for those in the Reserves- Jonathan Ellis, Frank Mitchell II; Talitha Benz, now stationed in Arizona  


For our Staff

Fred Brauer; Margie Luehrs; Chrystle Vincent; Traci McClain; Christina Grace; Bethany Chhom; Ellen Hackerd; Kristi Morlock; Mike Souza; Doug Henry; Kim Heggins; Blenda Schultz; Sherrie Akre; Carol Liston; Cecilia Guerra; Cindy Suppus; Holly Contier; Pastor Kelly  


Peace and Comfort


Cancer Patients

Marjorie Britts- kidney cancer; Ralph Foskett; Robert Kruger; Joanna Chan; Richard Cole; Melody Saldate; Pat Brown; Evelyn Asker



Jan Curler; Holly Contier; Rick De La Cruz; Darlene and Matthew Geach; George Schurz; Bob Folts; George Britts; Carole Adams; Linnea Greer; Ann Olds; Rosalie Ellis; John Ohanesian;  Barb Arionus, Millie Salo, Flynn Family;
Stan Enders, brother of Elaine Sandau, Grant Grace, Melody Moore


Expectant mothers

Nicole (Souza) Stark- due August; Megan Smith - due Sept.; Melissa Piering (Carol Liston's DIL) expecting in November, Vicki Blank is due in September


Unemployed and/or underemployed

Jerrie Moyer; Nancy Schibler



                              DATES TO REMEMBER

June 6th ~ Last Day of School
June 16th ~ Fathers Day
June 24th ~ Single Treasures
August 5-9 ~ VBS

Church Contacts 

Pastor Kelly Smith:   

Elders Hank Blank, Gerry Luehrs, Dave Mueller, Bill Sandau, Dave
BoG Barbara Adams, Sarah Anderson, Carol Adams, Rick English, Toni
Accountant/Office Admin. Lydiana
Church Secretary Holly Contier: 

Calvary Lutheran Church 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Pastor Oliver visit this summer

hands touching

Here's Stephen's itinerary for his  June, July, & August 2013 furlough trip with SuHua [Maggie] and their three children.
Please pray for safe travels. 
      Love, Bill & Virginia Oliver 

We have our family furlough this summer and I'm scheduled to preach and/or present as follows:

22   (12:30 - Potluck Lunch) St. Louis Chinese Christian Church.
23   (8, 9:20, 10:45am) Immanuel, Charelston, IL.
24    LCMS International Center, St Louis.
29   (1:30pm) Mission Central, Mapleton, IA.
29   (6:30pm) Zion, Denison, IA.
30   (8, 9:15, 10:30am) Zion, Denison, IA.

6   (5:30pm) West Portal Lutheran Church, San Francisco.
7   (8:30, 9:45, 11am) West Portal, San Francisco.
14  (9, 10:15am) Calvary, San Lorenzo, CA.
28  (8:45, 10:15, 11:30am) Holy Spirit, San Francisco.    
4   (8:30, 9:45, 10:45am) Holy Cross, Los Gatos, CA.
11  (9, 10:30am) St Paul, Phoenix, AZ.
18  (8, 9:30, 11am) Shepherd of the Desert, Scottsdale, AZ.

Hope you can make it to one of these!
Pray for our trip, family, preaching and presentations.
Stephen Oliver


Friday, June 14, 2013

Exciting Things to Come at Calvary!

School Logo
Happy Children
Have you met CLS today?
Our CLS Family is growing! 
Check out what ALL the excitement is about.

Fine Arts Program including Dramas & Musicals.

A new Athletic Program including more options for P.E, recess time and team sports.

21st century technology - presenting...Myschoolworx!  A web-based app that gives a parent one-stop shopping--pay your bill, check your child's homework/calendar/grades, update your info or email other parents or teachers in the school directory.

New classroom technology - Interactive (Smart) Boards & iPads.

International Foreign Exchange Program - sharing our faith, family and education with students from overseas.

And don't forget our ESE Program - we will be expanding the already popular and successful ESE Program, giving students tutoring to help them meet and exceed their goals.

We welcome our 16 new families
to the Calvary Family! 

Tell a friend; the more, the merrier! 

Here's Your Chance to be in a Band!

Come to the Informational Band Meeting
Monday, June 17th at 7pm in the chapel.  

Options include individual lessons or group lessons, and payment plans are monthly or yearly to fit your lifestyle.  Instrument choices include:  trumpet, trombone, flute, clarinet, saxophone, drums, baritone, guitar, piano and tuba.
Call the office
for more info