Thursday, May 9, 2013

Church & School Information - 5/9/13

School Logo
Calvary Lutheran Church & School
 May 9, 2013

Dear Friend,
I would like to personally thank you for choosing Calvary for your child's school and for giving us this privilege to work with you and your child. Thank you for allowing us to continue our educational partnership with you!

If you haven't already done so, please welcome Pastor Kelly Smith and his wife Pam into our Calvary Family. His Calling is already evident in his involvement in church and school-related activities and decisions. He is very intuitive and experienced in leading us to refocus and rebuild the ministry God has placed before us here at Calvary and to reflect Jesus in our community.

As you may have heard, we have been facing financial constraints and plan to continue addressing them while providing a well-rounded, Christ-centered education for your child. We plan to continue building our Music Program--Choir, Chimes, Recorders, Classroom Music, and Band. We will continue offering all-school Spanish and Physical Education Programs. We are also excited about exploring and developing our Fine Arts programs, including Musicals and Plays. Our newest ESE program addition has grown in leaps and bounds.  Parents are astounded with the special student academic and behavioral assistance their children are receiving. And best of all, the students feel better about themselves and they are exhibiting a higher self-esteem. Keep your eyes open for the 21st Century Technology coming soon!

The experiences that we offer your child will lead to another successful year not only in their educational journey, but also in preparation for their life's journey.
Our Lord has richly blessed Calvary for over 60 years-representing multiple generations of families, and I am confident that He will continue to bless us for years to come. Our families and friends who have supported Calvary, and the love of God they reflect, are who make Calvary such a special place!

Again, thank you for the privilege of partnering with you on your child's educational,
emotional, and spiritual growth. We are blessed and thankful for the gift of your child's future.

In His Service,

Mr. Fred E. Brauer                                                    Mrs. Marjorie Luehrs
Principal                                                                 Vice Principal

Please don't forget about the tuition incentive program...
For every child who enrolls as a result of your referral, you receive $250! 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


The  San Lorenzo Home Owners Association will have a meet and greet at

6PM on THURSDAY MAY 16th. before the regular meeting.  Location is the

Association building at 377 Paseo Grande by the Library.

This will be a good opportunity for members of Calvary to meet their neighbors

and spread the  WORD about Calvary Lutheran Church and School…..


Saturday, May 4, 2013

FW: Voters Meeting This Sunday - May 5th

Voters Meeting - Sunday 5/5
hands touching Dear Friend,

Please plan on attending Calvary Lutheran Church this Sunday, May 5th at 9am.  There will be an important Voters Meeting directly following the church service.  


If you are in need of a ride to church this Sunday, please contact Jan Kreger, the coordinator for our Hearts and Hands Ministry - (510) 278-9167.  


Again, please make every effort to be there this Sunday.


Thank you.



Calvary Lutheran Church