Tuesday, January 29, 2013

February, 2013

FEBRUARY E-Chronicle 2013


OWL- Middle School Youth Group

February 8 & 22


The Experience- High School Youth Group

Meets on Sundays from 6-8pm 


Sunday School
10:15am in the Calvary Club Room.  Hope to see your kids there!!


Adult Choir

Led by Carol Liston- Practices at 8am on Sunday mornings


Prayer Quilters

Meets on Wednesdays from 9am-12pm in the Parish Hall  



Thank you for all the prayers and cards of peace and comfort during my time of loss.  I know now that Joyce is in a better place and in perfect health.  Sincerely, Mary Dorr 


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February 1, CLS Open house  

February 24,  Immediately following church- Thrivent Info 

February 26, Dave Anderson & Kelly Patten- 7pm 
March 23, Calvary Auction, Dinner, Dance- Luau Theme 
August 5-9, VBS 
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55 year old christian woman looking to rent a room in the local area. Mary Lima (510)260-5545  Please call if you can help. 


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 For Fernando Ramos' new job opportunity; For healthy baby boy born on Jan. 21- Congrats to Grandma, Kelly McCartney   


Peace in the World

President Obama and our country's leadership - For our soldiers in Afghanistan: James Greenleaf; for those overseas: Thomas Caspersen, Justin Higgins, David Oliver; for those in the Reserves- Jonathan Ellis; Talitha Benz, now stationed in Arizona


For our Staff

Fred Brauer; Margie Luehrs; Chrystle Vincent; Traci McClain; Christina Grace; Bethany Chhom; Ellen Hackerd; Kristi Morlock; Mike Souza; Doug Henry; Kim Heggins; Blenda Schultz; Sherrie Akre; Carol Liston; Cecilia Guerra; Cindy Suppus; Lydiana Sanchez; Holly Contier; Pastor Kelly



For Carol Liston at the passing of her mother, Velma on Jan. 24.

(Services are on Weds., January 30 in Illinois) 

For Mary Dorr at the loss of her sister, Joyce Christiansen on January 19.


Cancer Patients

Larry Sousi; Marjorie Britts- kidney cancer; Ralph Foskett; Robert Kruger; Joanna Chan; Richard Cole; Melody Saldate; Pat Brown; Evelyn Asker



Darlene Geach and grandson Matthew, both sick with flu- meds have caused Matthew's seizures to return; Rick De La Cruz; Stephen Regnier- Type I diabetes; George Schurz, Rosalie Ellis' brother; Ginny Dottaviano; Bob Folts; George Britts; Carole Adams; Linnea Greer; Ann Olds; Rosalie Ellis; John Ohanesian; Flynn Family


Expectant mothers

Youn Mitchell- due Feb.; Alicia Matthews- due March;

Jacqulyn Riley due in May; Amy Goldhammer- due June; Nicole (Souza) Stark- due August


Unemployed and/or underemployed

Jerrie Moyer; Nancy Schibler


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A Word From Preschool  

As I write this article for the February Chronicle it is January and the students and teachers are back from sharing the joy of Christmas with our families.

Parents, teachers, staff and students have hit the ground running as the New Year starts with a whirl wind of academic activities to complete. Thought provoking, fascinating discoveries lie awaiting us in our curriculum.

This brings us to the great time the preschoolers and teachers are having in Preschool. God has provided us with excellent examples of weather to study. We love to study weather. The students and teachers alike have such a good time exploring, problem solving and using teamwork to understand and learn about weather. We will study how animals survive and live in different types of weather. We will study hibernation, camouflage and adaption of animals in weather.

Our week of studying Ice, Snow and Cold Weather has had perfect weather conditions to use as examples. Parents didn't seem as pleased as us with the brisk, freezing wind and rain. And it is true that the students did not seem to spend much time playing with the large ice sculptures and cubes in the water table until they have defrosted their frozen faces and hands upon entering the class in the mornings. We are now studying Rainbows and clouds. To this end we will observe, describe and record some basic properties of water, its presence and effects in the physical world. We will demonstrate knowledge of the element of water in the material world in the state of rain, and link it to weather conditions. We will use dice to make rainbows by using math skills .We will make rainbows using crayons, watercolors, mirrors and the sun on water, and paper confetti.

We will admire, count and identify different types of clouds in our sky.We will talk about God's Promise. We will explore all the beautiful colors of the rainbow and how they are made. Have you ever seen a beautiful ice rainbow? We will admire, count and identify different types of clouds in our sky.

The next week is Thunder and Lightening Week. We discuss how to get over weather fears. We measure water and listen to Thunder. We use math skills to make Thunder cake.   The last week in January our weather unit focus is on wind and clouds. To the study of wind we add bubbles. If someone has a small plastic wading pool to donate and we have good weather, we will be able to make incredible "over a preschooler and up bubbles".

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you.

I recorded the answers that our preschoolers gave during a religion lesson and wish to share them with you as part of our Happy Valentine Day message to you. I asked them how do you know Jesus loves you and why do you love Him...I hope these warm your heart.

Lorelai Why do I know Jesus loves me?-"He makes sure we have food and grow healthy." I love Him because "He loves everyone no matter what."


Malia B Why do I know Jesus loves me? "He came to be with us at Christmas time." I love Him because "He loves me."

Zanai Why do I know Jesus loves me? "He gives us all the love He has." I love Him because "He is our God!"


Dylan Why do I know Jesus loves me? "He gave us hearts for love."I love Him because "God is one of the "Good Guys""


Kaylah Why do I know Jesus loves me? "He watches over us."

I love Him because "He makes me happy."

Manuel Why do I know Jesus loves me? "He is good to us."

I love Him because "He loves me always."

Savannah Why do I know Jesus loves me? "He listens to my prayers." I love Him because "He made animals, and me and my family."


Anaiya Why do I know Jesus loves me? "We are His children."

I love Him because He made my family, our school and milk."

Jayla Why do I know Jesus loves me? "God gave us Jesus."

I love Him because "He shows us how to pray and be"

Malia K Why do I know Jesus loves me? "He will never leave us!" I love Him because "He is our awesome God!"

Tessa Why do I know Jesus loves me? "We are special to Him."

I love Him because "He made dogs for us."

Josue Why do I know Jesus loves me? "He will always help us."

I love Him because "He gave us rainbows and my family."

Christian Why do I know Jesus loves me? "He made us!"

I love Him because "He is good to us and listens to my prayers."

Cheris Why do I know Jesus loves me? "He loves me."

I love Him because "He is sweet and good."

Laylah Why do I know Jesus loves me? "He loves my mommy."

I love Him because "I like Him."

Naomi Why do I know Jesus loves me? "He died for us to save us."I love Him because "He makes me happy and I like to sing about Him at school and my home. Anywhere!"


The Preschoolers, Ms. Traci and I wish to thank you for all of the many ways you support, help and lift up in prayer our school, teachers and students. When we see or hear something that reminds us of your support it makes us feel energized with the love of Jesus. Thank You Mrs. Vincent






Church Contacts 

Pastor Kelly Smith:  ksmith@calvaryslz.org   

Elders Hank Blank, Gerry Luehrs, Dave Mueller, Bill Sandau, Dave Schultz:  elders@calvaryslz.org
BoG Barbara Adams, Sarah Anderson, Darlene Goldhammer, Jeff Jensen, Lee Strom:  bog@calvaryslz.org
Accountant/Office Admin. Lydiana Sanchez:  admin@calvaryslz.org
Church Secretary Holly Contier:  churchsecretary@calvaryslz.org 


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January, 2013

JANUARY E-Chronicle 2013

Installation of Pastor Kelly Smith  
January 6 at 4pm  
(Lasagna dinner to follow in the parish hall, please bring a salad to share) 


OWL- Middle School Youth Group

January 18, 6-8pm

January 26, 9am-12pm (Help at Calvary work party, pizza served after) 


The Experience- High School Youth Group

Meets on Sundays from 6-8pm 


Sunday School
10:15am in the Calvary Club Room.  Hope to see your kids there!!


Adult Choir

Led by Carol Liston- Practices at 8am on Sunday mornings


Prayer Quilters

Meets on Wednesdays from 9am-12pm in the Parish Hall  


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Dear Calvary Church and School families,

     Thank you all so much for your generosity at Christmas time.  We are truly blessed to work at such a supportive, loving Church/ School and are very grateful for you all.   

                             God's Blessings and Sincere Thanks,

                                                The Calvary Staff 

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The new flower chart is now up in the Narthex

A $30 donation is suggested

Please take your flowers at the close of the service

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 January 6, Pastor Kelly Installation at 4pm

January 12, E-waste pick up 9am-4pm

January 15, Elephant Bar, Dining for Dollar$ 

January 26, Calvary work party 9am-12pm

February 1, CLS Open house  

February 26, Dave Anderson & Kelly Patten- 7pm  
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Prayers and Thanksgiving

For Pastor Lu's time and devotion to Calvary; For Pastor Kelly and Pam's safe arrival

Peace in the World

President Obama and our country's leadership - For our soldiers inAfghanistan: James Greenleaf; for those overseas: Thomas

Caspersen, Justin Higgins, David Oliver; for those in the

Reserves- Jonathan Ellis; Talitha Benz, now stationed in Arizona

For our Staff

Fred Brauer; Margie Luehrs; Chrystle Vincent; Traci McClain;

Christina Grace; Bethany Chhom; Ellen Hackerd; Kristi Morlock; Mike Souza; Doug Henry; Kim Heggins; Blenda Schultz; Sherrie Akre; Carol Liston; Cecilia Guerra; Cindy Suppus; Lydiana Sanchez; Holly Contier; Pastor Kelly 

Peace and Comfort

For the family of Henry Tudino

Cancer Patients

Larry Sousi; Marjorie Britts- kidney cancer; Ralph Foskett; Robert Kruger; Joanna Chan; Richard Cole; Melody Saldate; Pat Brown;Evelyn Asker


Cori DeTurk- ruptured appendix, now home & will have surgery in 6 weeks; Bob Folts, recovering from retina surgery; Jen Kreienkamp; Barbara Arionus; George Britts; Carole

Adams; Becky Aubrey; Linnea Greer; Ann Olds; Rosalie Ellis; John Ohanesian; Flynn Family

Expectant mothers

Alicia Matthews- due March; Amy Goldhammer- due June; Jacqulyn Riley; Melissa McCartney- due January; Youn Mitchell- due Feb.

Unemployed and underemployed

Jerrie Moyer



Church Contacts 

Pastor Kelly Smith:  ksmith@calvaryslz.org   

Elders Hank Blank, Gerry Luehrs, Dave Mueller, Bill Sandau, Dave Schultz:  elders@calvaryslz.org
BoG Barbara Adams, Sarah Anderson, Darlene Goldhammer, Jeff Jensen, Lee Strom:  bog@calvaryslz.org
Accountant/Office Admin. Lydiana Sanchez:  admin@calvaryslz.org
Church Secretary Holly Contier:  churchsecretary@calvaryslz.org