Friday, September 28, 2012

October, 2012

OCTOBER E-Chronicle 2012


October Calendar


(September Financial Statement NOT available yet) 

The Experience 





August 29, 2012


Present: Sarah Anderson, Barbara Adams, Darlene Goldhammer, Jeff Jensen, Lee Strom, Pastor Lu Werth, Elder Hank Blank


President Barbara Adams opened with a devotion based on Hebrews 10:39 titled, "It's Not Supposed to Be This Way." Those who shrink back from the current circumstances may say, "I cannot do this; my life will never change; I never have the confidence I need." Sometimes we can be surprised by those thoughts. Is there a time when doubt convinces you that feeling that way is "normal?" We have an enemy who encourages us to give up. We need to take a stand and stop listening when our minds tell us, "it's not supposed to be this way." God tells us things can change. Many scriptures tell us all things are possible to those who believe. We can choose to believe God's promises more than our doubts and fears. We have to live like the promises are true. It's a moment-by-moment decision to let His promises rule in our hearts.

All present spent time in prayer following the devotion.

Minutes from the previous meeting were confirmed by email.

There was no Elders'report. The Care Ministry Committee has sent 10 cards during the month of August and is working on obtaining addresses. The Beautification Committee is compiling suggestions on ways to improve the appearance of the sanctuary. The Publicity Committee reported that Calvary could not participate in the Zucchini Festival because of scheduling conflicts.

Lee Strom agreed to provide a copy of our constitution for Pastor Smith along with the call documents; he will also provide a copy for approval by the District President to be delivered by Barbara Adams.

The board spent a lengthy amount of time working on the Call Documents for Pastor Kelly Smith. We wanted to be sure he received a complete picture of Calvary. Along with the documents, he and his wife will receive an invitation to visit our church.

Respectfully submitted,

Darlene Goldhammer

BoG Secretary




For Maria Mitchell's great doctor's report; Gisela Binder passed her drivers test


Peace in the World

President Obama and our country's leadership - For our soldiers in Afghanistan: Justin Higgins, Frank Mitchell II; for those who are overseas Thomas Caspersen; for those in the Reserves- Jonathan Ellis; Talitha Benz, now stationed in Arizona


For our Staff

Fred Brauer; Margie Luehrs; Chrystle Vincent; Traci McClain; Christina Grace; Bethany Chhom; Ellen Hackerd; Kristi Morlock; Mike Souza; Doug Henry; Kim Heggins; Blenda Schultz; Michelle Michael; Sherrie Akre; Carol Liston; Cecilia Guerra; Cindy Suppus; Lydiana Sanchez;

Holly Contier; Pastor Lu


For Guidance

Prayers for wisdom and guidance for Pastor Kelly Smith, that the Lord leads him to follow His will as he makes a decision


Peace and Comfort
For the family of Adolph Stafne (Service at 10am Monday at St. Peter); For the family of Laurence Houtzel (Uncle of Carol Liston); For the family of Jeryl Owen (Michael Ghiselli's brother-in-law); Dean Balk family (Memorial Service here on Nov. 17)  


Cancer Patients

Richard Cole; Melody Saldate; Pat Brown; Evelyn Asker



Briana De La Mater (CLS parent); Brian Jones (Jan Curler's son-in-law); Rosalie Ellis; Mabel Stafne; John Ohanesian; Flynn Family


Expectant mothers

Jacqulyn Riley; Grace Ramos- due Oct.; Becky (Saldate) Banke- due Dec.; Melissa McCartney- due January; Youn Mitchell- due Feb.


Unemployed and underemployed

Jerrie Moyer



(Please email or call the church office 278-2555 to update your prayer requests. Requests will be removed after 3 weeks unless otherwise informed, Thank you)


A BIG THANK YOU to Debbie Perry, Kevin, Joyce & Lee Strom~  the Parish Hall looks great!! 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

You are invited to join in a Bible discussion group.  We meet on Sundays at 10:15am.  We are looking at 12 books of the Old Testament including Psalms, Proverbs, Esther, Song of Solomon plus some of the minor Prophets. What we do is read an assigned number of Psalms/chapters during the week and then get together on Sunday mornings to discuss. Some just listen....some talk....but we all get something new each week.  

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Sunday School 
10:15am in the Calvary Club Room.  Hope to see your kids there!!

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Adult Choir

Led by Carol Liston, we meet at 8am on Sunday mornings.

1st Performance, Sunday, Oct. 7 at 9am

NO Practice on Oct. 14 

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Fall Craft Fair 

Oct. 6 @ 10am-4pm

Oct. 7 @ 11am-3:30pm 

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 


(Calvary Lutheran School fundraiser)

Tues. October 23


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

 The next Secret Sister gathering is going to be a luncheon on Sun. Oct. 21 right after bible study, around 11:00 A.M.

If you would like to help by making sandwiches or salads

Please contact Cindy Schultz

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Men's Bible/Breakfast Menu for 10/3/12

(6-7am Parish Hall)

Eggs Galore, Cheese & Ham Tidbits Melt on Kaiser Roll,

Apple Up-side Down Tart, Fruit, Coffee/OJ

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Fellowship gathering for our church/school friends this

Sunday, Sept. 30 immediately following the service...

"It's all in the bag!"

(a "bagged" lunch will be provided)

Bring a dessert to share

(desserts may be dropped off that morning in the kitchen  

between 8-9am) 

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Tune in to The Intersection of Church & State, airing on the Fox Business Channel as paid programming on Sunday, September 30. This Lutheran Hour Ministries production's show time  

is 2 p.m. Pacific.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

CLS Rummage Sale

October 20


(more details to come)




Gift cards Available

Weekdays in the office and Sunday after church


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 




Church Contacts 

Pastor Luther Werth: 

Elders Hank Blank, Gerry Luehrs, Dave Mueller, Bill Sandau, Dave Schultz:
BoG Barbara Adams, Sarah Anderson, Darlene Goldhammer, Jeff Jensen, Lee Strom:
Accountant/Office Admin. Lydiana Sanchez:
Church Secretary Holly Contier: 


Friday, September 14, 2012

Invitation from Calvary Lutheran Church & School

Calvary Lutheran Church & School Invitation

Please join us for worship this Sunday, September 16 at 9am.  Come and hear our Calvary Ringers!  Following the service, join us for coffee and then sit in on a bible study class at 10:15am.  Children go to Calvary Club at that time for Sunday School.

Do you like to sing?  If so, be here Sunday at 8am for Adult Choir practice, directed by Carol Liston.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Acknowledgement of Grandparents

Calvary Lutheran Church and School
17200 Via Magdalena
San Lorenzo, CA 94580


Please join us this Sunday, September 9 at our 9:00am Worship Service as we acknowledge grandparents. 

Grandparents, bring your children and grandchildren; children, bring your grandparents!!


Sunday, September 2, 2012

September, 2012

Calvary Lutheran Church & School
September E-Chronicle   2012 

The Experience



July 12, 2012


Present: Barbara Adams, Darlene Goldhammer, Jeff Jensen, Dave Schultz representing Board of Elders


Barbara Adams opened with a devotion called, "Immediate Obedience," based on Jeremiah 7:23-26 and Proverbs 22:6. A child learns early in life to obey his parents because his parents care what happens to him. When his mom or dad tells him not to cross the street, it is for his protection. The Lord expects the same type of obedience from us because He really cares about each of us and actually KNOWS what dire consequences we will face if we do not listen and obey. The Lord wants to guide us and He wants us to listen and obey. To make that possible we need to pray without ceasing, spend time in the Word, seek wise counsel and listen. Prayer by all present followed the devotion.


Minutes from the June 21, 2012, meeting were confirmed by email.


Barbara discussed her previous meeting with Pastor Werth. She will call District to ask for additional training on our style of government. Dave Schultz stated the Board of Elders is studying potential Bible studies to be used in the near future. Two topics being considered are a parenting class and a refresher on what Lutherans believe.


Calvary is currently committed to following our 1983 Constitution in regard to voting for a new pastor because District did not complete the acceptance process for our newest submitted constitution.   Therefore, to vote at the next call meeting, you need to have read and understand the constitution and by-laws, be at least 18 years of age and be a member of our congregation.


A proposed grant application for a pre-school facility change will not be pursued further this year. Jeff Jensen will meet with heads of all committees and go over budget information relating to what they spent last year and what they expect to spend in the coming year.


We have three openings for Board of Governance candidates; please let Holly know in the office or a BoG member know if you wish to be considered.


Next BoG meeting will be August 9.

Congregational Meeting August 12 to review the budget.


Respectfully submitted,

Darlene Goldhammer,

BoG Secretary



August 9, 2012


Present: Barbara Adams, Jeff Jensen, Lee Strom, Darlene Goldhammer, Gerry Luehrs, Elder


Barbara Adams opened with a devotion based in part on Jeremiah 11:29, "the plans I have for you are plans for good and not for evil to give you a future and a hope." We need His direction in our lives, but when we feel most needy we often feel that direction is missing. There are many assurances in the Bible that He not only knows what we need but also knew when He chose us before the foundation of the world. He does not expect us to direct our own steps but to look to Him through the Word and prayer and to ask in faith believing. His direction is not always what we want or given in the way we expect, but He will not fail us. This is true on an individual basis and it is true for a congregation seeking a pastor. We followed with prayer by all.


Minutes from July 12, 2012, were confirmed by email.        


Jeff Jensen presented the proposed budget for the 2012-13 fiscal year and reviewed it in detail using hard numbers. The budget will be presented to the congregation on August 12 at our Voters' Assembly.


We are very concerned by the lack of candidates for the BoG Board. The two-year terms of Lee Strom, Jeff Jensen and Darlene Goldhammer expire at the end of August. One person has indicated an interest in serving on the board, but we need additional members to step forward. Please pray about whether the Lord is directing you to take that step.


Elder Gerry Luehrs reported we are waiting on information from one of our pastoral candidates who recently experienced a death in the family. He stated the Board of Elders would propose that we continue with one service for the immediate future with one contemporary service per month. Gerry presented several reasons for the proposed change. One service provides a chance for fellowship with the entire congregation; it requires less worker power each Sunday; it makes scheduling the Partners in Worship Sundays much easier.   The congregation will be given an opportunity to vote on the matter.


Barbara will meet with Pastor Werth on Friday morning. BoG hopes to meet with District next week.


Tentatively scheduled meeting Wed., Aug. 29 at 6:00pm

Respectfully submitted

Darlene Goldhammer, BoG Secretary




August 12, 2012


President Barbara Adams called the meeting to order. Elder Gerry Luehrs opened with prayer.


Jeff Jensen presented the proposed budget for the 2012-13 fiscal year. After reviewing the major elements of the budget, he answered questions from the floor. Following a voice vote, the budget was passed with a deficit of $113,664.


Barbara reminded the group to be in prayer for potential BoG members and that as you pray to consider the possibility that you are one God has in mind for one of the board positions.


Barbara closed the meeting with prayer.


Respectfully submitted,

Darlene Goldhammer

BoG Secretary





* * * * * * * * * * *




For our school ministry; For the birth of baby Micah Martchenke on Aug. 14; For Abby Einspahr's new teaching job at a middle school not far from her family home;

for a successful week at VBS with an average of 138 students each day and 60 volunteers!




Peace in the World

President Obama and our country's leadership - For our soldiers in

Afghanistan: Justin Higgins, Frank Mitchell II; for those who are

overseas Thomas Caspersen; for those in the Reserves- Jonathan Ellis; Talitha Benz, now stationed in Arizona


For our Staff

Fred Brauer; Margie Luehrs; Chrystle Vincent; Traci McClain; Christina Grace; Bethany Chhom; Ellen Hackerd; Kristi Morlock; Mike Souza; Doug Henry; Kim Heggins; Blenda Schultz; Michelle Michael; Sherrie Akre; Carol Liston; Cecilia Guerra; Cindy Suppus; Lydiana Sanchez; Holly Contier; Pastor Lu


Cancer Patients

Melody Saldate; Pat Brown; Evelyn Asker



Roy, Jean Bumgardner's brother- recovering from shoulder surgery; Dean Balk; Adolph & Mabel Stafne; Gisela Binder, macular degeneration; Anna Beasley; Jacob Ellis; John Ohanesian; Flynn Family


Expectant mothers

Grace Ramos- due Oct.; Colleen Martchenke- due August; Becky (Saldate) Banke- due Dec., Melissa McCartney- due January, Youn Mitchell- due Feb. 


Unemployed and underemployed

Jerrie Moyer, Amy Sosa 



 * * * * * *  


Dear Calvary Friends,

I want to than you for the nice sympathy cards you sent me when my son John died.  It helped so much.  Now his pains are gone and he is at peace.  Louise Woodard



(Please email or call the church office 278-2555 to update your prayer requests. Requests will be removed after 3 weeks unless otherwise informed, Thank you)



Report from Call Committee

The Call Documents were mailed to Pastor Kelly Smith on Thursday and he should have received them on Saturday. Continue praying for God's will. 


You are invited to join in a Bible discussion group starting up again on September 9, 2012

We will be looking at 12 books of the Old Testament including Psalms, Proverbs, Esther, Song of Solomon plus some of the minor Prophets. What we do is read an assigned number of Psalms/chapters during the week and then get together on Sunday mornings to discuss. Some just listen....some talk....but we all get something new each week. If you think you'd like to come you will need to read the book of Esther before September 9th and then come and be a part of this group in the Library.


GRANDPARENTS DAY- SEPTEMBER 9 We will be acknowledging Grandparents, so bring your Grandparents; Grandparents, bring your children and grandchildren!!

Sunday School 

We will be starting Sunday School back up on Sept. 9 at 10:15am in the Calvary Club Room.  Hope to see your kids there!!

Adult Choir
Carol Liston will be starting up an Adult Choir- the first practice will be Sunday, Sept. 9 at 8am in room 6.

"It's all in the bag"
Fellowship Sunday is, Sept. 30 at 9am.  Service will be followed by a "bagged" lunch which will be provided.  Please bring a dessert to share.  Desserts can be dropped off that Sunday morning in the kitchen between 8-9am.

Fall Craft Fair- October 6-7

(Calvary Lutheran School fundraiser)
Weds., Sept. 19

Gift cards Available

Weekdays in the office and Sunday after church.  


We will be remaining at one 9am service with Sunday School & Adult bible Study @ 10:15am, until further notice.

Communion will be on the 1st & 3rd Sundays and

the Praise Band will play on the 2nd Sunday