The Experience
June 21, 2012
Present: Barbara Adams, Sarah Anderson, Darlene Goldhammer, Jeff Jensen, Lee Strom, Guest: Principal Fred Brauer
Barbara Adams opened with a devotion based on II Cor. 6:16b-7:1. We often think attitude is not all that important and that we are just "going through a phase." Think of it as going through a mud puddle. When you step into such a puddle, how long do you plan to stay? Do you want to wallow in it and feel sorry for yourself, wondering whether God cares? That can happen on occasion before we are even aware we are wallowing. We need to go to the Lord frequently, allowing Him to empty our mud puddles and making ourselves available for whatever He has in mind.
Minutes from the May 10 meeting were confirmed by e-mail.
Principal Fred Brauer presented an update on our school. This included charts on enrollment per grade and the impact on finances by offering discounts to those who paid for the entire school year last spring. He also presented information on the summer school enrichment programs and daycare. In the upcoming school year, Spanish will be offered in additional grades. Fred also presented info on the WASC report, Cougar Parents' Association (CPA), formation of a School Committee, new efforts to collect past due tuition and other areas on which he is working.
The Elder Report from Dave Mueller stated that the Call Committee is waiting to hear from District regarding potential names to consider for our pastor replacement. We will have a visiting pastor on June 24, since Pastor Werth will be out of town. During the month of June, elders provided in-home communion for five members.
The newly established Care Committee will meet with Barbara Adams to establish guidelines for the program. The committee members are Cindy Schultz and Dianne Flynn.
Treasurer Jeff Jensen stated that work on the budget for the next year is getting underway. Reports are being sent to each group in charge of budget funds showing their expenditures according to the budget up to this time.
Barbara Adams asked for each existing committee (Publicity, Care, Beautification, and Youth) to provide a brief monthly summary on a regular basis for BoG.
Three BoG members' two-years term of service will end soon. They may choose to run for re-election or not. The three members are Darlene Goldhammer, Jeff Jensen and Lee Strom.
Meeting ended with prayer by Barbara Adams.
Next meeting July 12, 2012
Congregational Meeting August 12, 2012
Respectfully submitted,
Darlene Goldhammer
BoG Secretary