Dear Members of Calvary,
It's been a joy working with the people of Calvary for the past 3 weeks and l'm looking forward to our continued association in the work of our Lord at Calvary. As your vacancy pastor I want to learn all of your names, but this will take time. In the mean time, don't feel bad when I have to ask you to repeat your name. Eventually I'll learn. It will just take repetition.
In my three weeks with you I've seen that Calvary is truly a great congregation with lots of potential in working for our Lord in his Kingdom. As a vacancy pastor I'm limited in what I can do, but I will be working with your Board of Governance and your Elders in leading and guiding them in expanding our Lord's Kingdom at Calvary. We need to find more ways of sharing the message of John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." in our community. If you have any ideas or thoughts on this matter I'd appreciate hearing from you.
In Christ's Service and Yours,
Pastor Luther Werth
April 11, 2012
Present: Barbara Adams, Sarah Anderson, Darlene Goldhammer Jeff Jensen, Lee Strom, Dave Mueller
Barbara Adams opened with a devotion based on Romans 8:28, "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." NKJV She emphasized that God does work every single happening in our lives for good, including the obviously good things and the not-so- good situations with which we struggle. We must look to Him for the answers to all our "what about?" questions. We followed with a time of prayer by each member.
Elder Dave Mueller presented the following information from the Elder Board. The Call Committee is now down to two potential pastoral candidates for our vacancy. May 13 has been tentatively set as the date for a Call Meeting.
The Elders will meet with Pastor Werth, our vacancy pastor as of May 8, regarding setting up worship for one service each Sunday starting May 13. Consideration is being given to a congregational mailing at a cost of $40 to be sure all are aware of the change in service time. Easter services had an attendance of 250 compared to 200 in 2011; there were 40 children present compared to 18 in 2011.
BOG will assist the Youth Committee in setting up the definition of a responsible adult to determine the qualifications for those who will be assisting our youth leaders, as well as a job description for our Youth Committee members. Our Youth Committee consists of Rick and Annette English, Toni Troya, and Gina Gerome. One of the committee's responsibilities will be to assure the presence of responsible adults at all youth activities to support the leaders. Brian Pye, youth leader, will also provide the committee a calendar of events each month. He will also put the calendar in the Chronicle each month.
We welcomed our new member Sarah Anderson. She will be learning the financial aspects, the accounting methods and the treasurer's responsibility at CLC, but Jeff will continue as treasurer, Barbara will continue as president and Darlene as secretary. BOG will change its name to BoG. We received eight responses of help from our "How Can I Help? Questionnaire" distributed at our congregational meeting. Principal Fred Brauer is being asked to provide a written report on the steps the Marketing Committee has taken and will take in preparation for the 2012 school year.
We have not yet received the final report from WASC but we discussed some of the findings of which we were aware. Most importantly, we must establish a six-year long-term master plan (Growth Area Action Plan) so that all stakeholders will have increased awareness and input into resource planning, growth and Christian outreach into our community. Jeff closed the meeting with prayer. The next meeting will be Wednesday, April 25, at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Darlene Goldhammer, BoG Secretary
April 26, 2012
Present: Barbara Adams, Sarah Anderson, Darlene Goldhammer, Jeff Jensen, and Lee Strom
Barbara Adams led a devotion called "Vision," based on Gen. 28:12-13. This is the story of Jacob's dream about the stairway to heaven with the angels ascending and descending. In order to grow we must have vision or dreams. God has dreams for us as individuals and as a congregation, and we are trying to live out those dreams as church members and as leaders. It is a great blessing to have your life lived for something bigger than yourself. Things that are less important so easily sidetrack us.
Jeff Jensen is meeting regularly with Brian Pye, Youth Leader, to work out the details of Brian's job. Brian will be putting weekly information in the Cross Connection and monthly items in the Chronicle; on the Internet he will also list parents' names and addresses of students who attend the youth activities. Brian is getting a schedule of DCE/Youth Director meetings for this District. He should attend all the monthly meetings if possible.
Our Youth Committee is made up of Annette and Rick English, Toni Troya and Gina Gerome. We are waiting to hear from one other person who is considering being on the committee. BoG has given the committee guidelines on which to base their job description they will write and return to BoG.
The Board of Elders is currently working out the format for the summer services. The praise band will be playing once a month. Dave Mueller and the Board of Elders will meet with Pastor Werth.
We discussed our current financial situation. The Beautification Committee provided a list of the areas they are reviewing in determining top priorities. Cindy Schultz and Diane Flynn have agreed to serve on the Care Committee.
We reviewed reports prepared by Principal Fred Brauer on the School Marketing Committee, what they have completed this school year and goals for the future. We also reviewed information provided by Fred on where the school enrollment is at the moment and the numbers projected for fall.
Barbara Adams closed with prayer. The next meeting will be May 10 at 7 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Darlene Goldhammer, BoG Secretary
Prayers of our Church
For Maren Giannini and crew for helping to make the confirmation fellowship a great success; For our confirmands; Tristan, Karl, Danielle, Ashley, Alexis, Jenna, Trevor; For Darlene Goldhammer's successful surgery;For a very successful Spring Program, performed by 7th & 8th Grades & for the teachers who put their heart & soul into it
Peace in the World
President Obama and our country's leadership - For our soldiers in
Afghanistan: for Frank Mitchell II, Thomas Caspersen & Antonio Landaverde who are overseas; for those in the Reserves- Jonathan Ellis; Talitha Benz, now stationed in Arizona
For our Staff
Fred Brauer; Margie Luehrs; Chrystle Vincent; Traci McClain; Amy Sosa; Christina Grace; Bethany Chhom; Ellen Hackerd; Kristi Morlock; Abby
Einspahr; Mike Souza; Doug Henry; Kim Heggins; Blenda Schultz; Michelle Michael; Sherrie Akre; Carol Liston; Cecilia Guerra; Cindy Suppus; Lydiana Sanchez; Holly Contier; Pastor Lu
Ministry Guidance
For our interim ministry need; Marketing Ideas; Wittenberg Manor Outreach; Evangelism; Children's, Family and Youth Ministries; Parish Education; School Enrollment
Peace and Comfort
For Amy Goldhammer's family at the passing of her grandmother, Betsy Fong; For Lisa Souza & family for the sudden passing of her sister Karen Rippy; Frank Mitchell family for the loss of Frank's father, Harry
Cancer Patients
Pat Brown; Bettie Benz' son-in-law, Stephen Comfort; Dee Lazaga; Evelyn Asker; Joyce Schwartz, Leanne Mueller's mother; Melody Saldate; Wanda Grimm
Physical, Emotional or Spiritual Healing
Darlene Goldhammer, ankle replacement recovery; Diane Nishwitz; Vivian Hunter, bad head pain; Jose Ocampo, Leah Aguilar's father- stroke; For Amy Sosa's mother, Dianne; Millie Salo; Willine Watson; John Ohanesian; Tyler & Dave Flynn
Expectant mothers
Annie Bland, friend of Amy & Jason Goldhammer- is pregnant with twins and has been put on full bed rest- due mid July; Grace Ramos; Colleen Martchenke- due August; Stephanie Mendia- due June; Emily Blank- due June